Chapter 7

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Chris came home early from filming to find Skye in the pool with Elizabeth, the baby in a small floatie and little hat with Dodger sitting just outside the pool.

Skye looked up to see Chris grinning at them, "you're home early."

He nodded, "yeah. I'll be right back."

She watched him disappear, coming back a few minutes later with swim trunks on as he removed his shirt. She looked away to stifle a small moan as she blushed, hoping he didn't notice as she felt him slide into the pool.

Chris approached Skye and Elizabeth in the pool as he heard Elizabeth giggle at him. He laughed, "I missed you too little one."

Skye chuckled, watching him pull her from the floatie as he walked around the pool with her. "I put sunscreen on her. I'm gonna get out. Been in for a while. She loves the water."

Chris nodded, "yeah. Okay." He watched her pull herself out of the pool, noticing for the first time the pale blue bikini as he watched her wrap a towel around her. He swallowed hard, shaking his head as he looked away from her.

Skye felt his eyes on her as she wrapped the towel around herself, entering the house without looking back.


Chris entered the kitchen in the middle of the night to find Skye already there, trying to pull something off a high shelf. "Fuck me. You scared the crap out of me." He heard her laugh as she turned back to him in her shorts and loose crop top.


He watched her lean back up to the shelf as her shirt rode up, exposing enough of her back to display that she was wearing no bra underneath it. He cleared his throat, "what are you doing?"

She went to climb on the counter but felt him pull her down, "this formula is almost empty. I was going to marry it with a new one."

He nodded, pulling down a new container, "what did you say about asking for help?" He heard her giggle as she rolled her eyes as he handed it to her.

"Thank you Chris."

"You're welcome. What are you doing awake anyways."

She shrugged, "I couldn't sleep. And I burnt my back a bit in the pool earlier. Hard to rub sunscreen on yourself."

"Right." He looked at her back, pulling her shirt up slightly to see it was all red. "Next time wait, and I'll help you."

She nodded as she watched him leave her alone in the kitchen. She heard him come back a few minutes later, setting a bottle of aloe on the counter.

"Turn around."

She hesitated, but nodded as he pulled the shirt up a bit. "Wait." She faced away from him, pulling her shirt up, over her head as she held it over her breasts as she heard him groan softly, so softly, she knew she wasn't meant to have heard as she smiled. "Okay."

Chris put some aloe in his hands, starting to rub her lower back as she gasped, "sorry."

She shook her head, "it's cold. Sorry. Your hands are warm."

He nodded, grabbing some more, this time warming it in his hands as he placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing the aloe down, gently.

"That feels amazing Chris. Thank you."

"You're welcome Skye."

She felt him linger, blowing gently along her shoulder to dry the aloe as it sent chills down her spine. She closed her eyes, feeling him press his lips gently to her shoulder at the base of her neck. She didn't dare move as she felt him do it again, moving down her shoulder, his lips barely grazing her skin. She felt him finally pull away as she pulled her shirt back over her head before turning to face him. She didn't say anything as he brought his hand up to her cheek. She let out a small moan as she felt his lips against hers as she rested her hands on his chest.

He pulled away, but left his hand on her cheek, his thumb carefully caressing her cheek. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "it wasn't unwanted."

Chris nodded, "was it wanted because of who I am, or because of who I am?"

Skye giggled as he smiled, placing her hand over his heart, "because of who you are Chris."

He nodded again as he bit his lip, "I'm not ready to move on. I just wanted to kiss you."

"I know. It's okay Chris." She brought her hand up to the nape of his neck as she hovered her mouth over his, "baby steps." She kissed him again as she felt him rest a hand delicately flat on her back. She pulled away, looking at him, "I should go to bed."

"Yeah. Me too." He watched her put the stuff she had scattered on the counter away before leaving ahead of him out of the kitchen. He sighed, leaning back against the refrigerator, resting his head back against it, replaying the kiss in his head as he groaned. He knew he wasn't ready for someone new, regretting kissing Skye already, not wanting to lead her on. "Fuck."

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