Chapter 23

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**6 months later**

Skye woke up to find Chris sitting on the edge of his bed on the phone typing away. She moved closer to his back, running her hands up as she knelt behind him. She wrapped her arms around his chest as she felt him bring one of her hands to his lips, kissing it. "What are you doing?"

"Talking to Megan. Had to send a statement as it's become obvious we are together." He felt her tense up, letting him go to lay back on the bed behind him. He turned back to her, laying beside her, "nothing to worry about." He handed her his phone.

She sighed, reading the statement he sent to his publicist. "It is true that I am in fact dating my former nanny, after becoming friends with her while she worked for me. I don't care to hear about any age difference between us because we have no problem with it and we are the two in the relationship. We ask that you respect our privacy as we continue our relationship and keep any rude comments to yourself." She handed him his phone back, "I like it. I love you."

"Good." He set it on the nightstand before turning back to her once more, "I love you too. She's going to release it next week. Today would seem a little insensitive."

"Right." She moved closer to him, watching him. It had been two years since he lost Melanie and she could see the affect of the anniversary of her death had in his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He sat up on the bed as he shook his head, "I don't want to dwell or hurt your feelings or make you feel uncomfortable or anything."

"Chris." Skye sat up beside him, resting her hand on his thigh as she brought her other hand up to his cheek, "it's not dwelling when you never talk about her. And you won't hurt my feelings or anything of the sort. You think I'm far more fragile than I really am. I know she was important to you and she's Lizzie's mother. Give me more credit than that."

He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he grabbed her hand from his cheek, holding it in his lap, "I know you aren't fragile. I see how tough you are. Dare I say, you're tougher than she was. But I don't want to compare you guys. And even confessing to you how I felt about you was really hard, as if I'm trying to replace her."

"I know it was Chris. But you aren't replacing anyone. You think she would have wanted you to stay stuck where you were, or to move on?" Skye turned to crawl into his lap, straddling him on the bed. "I love you so much and you know how much I love Lizzie. I want nothing more than to take care of the both of you. And I'm sure that's all she could have asked for."

Chris smiled, interlocking his fingers behind her back, "it's more than she could have ever asked for. I'm lucky I found you and I'm not letting you go again, so don't even think about it."

Skye giggled as he turned to pin her on the bed under him, "I'm not going anywhere Chris. I promise." She saw him smile before he leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was short lived before they heard Elizabeth yelling from her room. Skye sighed, pushing him away, "the princess has risen."

Chris laughed, standing up to throw on some pants, "go take a shower, I'll get her."


Skye felt Scott rest his hand on her back from behind as he leaned in to kiss her cheek, causing her to jump slightly at his touch as he laughed. She turned to face him, hitting him in the arm, "you can't sneak up on a girl like that Scott."

"Sorry!" He laughed as he shook his head, helping her with the cake. "How are you doing?"

She shrugged, "Chris and I are great, so I'm good Scott."

He gave her a big smile as he leaned against the counter beside her, "good. You're going with him? To Europe when he goes for filming?"

"I am." She grinned, "I'm super excited. I've never been out of the country. And you know how Chris likes to keep Lizzie close while he's filming."

Scott chuckled softly, "not just Lizzie you know."

Skye blushed slightly, "I know, not just her." She looked past him as Melanie's mom Anna entered the kitchen. She felt Scott scurry away as she greeted Anna, "Mrs. Stevens, how are you?"

Anna smiled, "I'm okay. You know, today is hard." She watched Skye hang her head down to avoid looking her in the eyes, "it's fine." She rested her hand on Skye's shoulder making her look up at her, "Skye. I'm glad Chris has you. And you've been great to Lizzie. I can see how much she loves you. That's all I can ask for."

Skye nodded, a few stray tears falling, "I appreciate that. I'm still sorry."

Anna sighed, pulling her into a hug, "I know you are. I'm just happy to still be included in my granddaughter's life."

"Oh." Skye pulled away, wiping her cheeks with her hands, "neither of us would ever keep her from you. I promise." She motioned to the cake, "now let's get this to the little princess so she can open her presents." Skye lit the two small candles on the cake before following Anna to the living room where everyone was. She stood next to Chris as they sung happy birthday to Elizabeth, watching her try to blow out the candles before giving up to grab a handful of the cake in her hand. Skye laughed, feeling Chris grab her hand as they watched Elizabeth shove her hand into her mouth.

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