Chapter 29

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**10 years later**

Skye stood in the kitchen making breakfast when their 7 year old son Henry came into view. "Hey bud. Good morning."

"Morning mama. The girls are fighting again."

"For fucks sake, what now?" She heard Henry laugh as she rolled her eyes, "don't repeat that." She finished the eggs she was making, plating some for him before going to check on Lizzie and their 9 year old daughter Katy. She heard Chris's voice when she made it to the hallway.

"Katy, stop taking your sisters clothes. Lizzie, honey, learn to share."

Skye sighed, entering the room to find Chris frazzled, "get out." She laughed as he kissed her cheek before scurrying away. "Captain America, brought down by two girls." She smiled as Lizzie laughed. She looked at her watch, "what's the problem so early in the morning? Can we try to keep fights for after 10 in the morning, at least?" She closed her eyes as they both started speaking at once. She put her hands up, "stop." She pointed to Lizzie, "you first."

Lizzie sighed, "I'm going out with my friends later and I wanted to wear this dress, but Katy took it out of my closet."

Skye grabbed the dress from Katy's hands, "and why did you take her dress without asking her?"

Katy crossed her arms as she hung her head, "I was hoping if I took the dress she wouldn't go."

"And why can't she go?"

"I just never get to see her anymore because she's always hanging out with her other friends!"

"I'm a teenager! I don't want to hang out with you!"

Skye groaned, pushing them both back to sit on the end of Lizzie's bed. "I realize the ages right now are difficult. Katy is going to be ten in a few months and Lizzie fourteen a few more after that. But you guys are lucky. I know you annoy each other now, but when you get older you're going to be so close. Don't ruin it by being awful to each other now. I wish I had a sister, but I'm an only child. You've seen how close daddy and Uncle Scott are. Trust me when I say you're going to want that support when you're older."

Lizzie sighed, "I'm sorry Katy. I'll do something with you tomorrow, okay?"

Katy grinned, handing her back her dress, "okay."

Skye looked between them, "also, you'll be thankful you guys are closer in age. Two closets means double the clothes when you're older." She smiled as they both laughed. "Now go eat your breakfast please. Without killing each other or your brother." She watched them both leave before turning back to her, wrapping her in a hug. "I love you girls."

Katy grinned, her long dark hair hanging over her big blue eyes. "Love you too mama."

Lizzie grabbed her hand. They both had Chris's eyes but Lizzie kept her mothers long blonde hair. She leaned in to kiss Skye's cheek, "I love you too mom."

"Good. Why don't you guys go talk about periods and boys and bother your father for a while." She heard them both laughing as they raced down the hall to the kitchen. She could hear Chris groaning from the other end of the house as she laughed. She entered their room, entering the shower. After a few minutes she heard Chris enter behind her.

"You sent them to torture me, didn't you?" He heard her giggle as she rinsed off her shampoo.

She feigned offense as she turned to face him, "I would never."

He laughed, pinning her against the cold tiles of the shower as she gasped, "uh huh. Maybe it's time to trade you in for a younger model."

She hit him in the chest as she laughed, "I'm barely 35. Thank you very much! You're the old one around here."

"I know. I need someone younger to keep me feeling young."

"Is that all?" She giggled as she pushed him away, dropping to her knees, "I can make you feel plenty young." She grinned as he moaned, her hand stroking him. "Unless you want me to stop."

He looked down at her teasing grin, "you better not ever stop." He rested his hands on the wall of the shower as she took him into her mouth, "good girl."

****Hope you enjoyed this story ☺️****
The end 😉

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