Chapter 18

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"Fuck!" Chris brings his hand up to his mouth, seeing blood on his hand as he hears Scott and his friends laughing from the corner.

The man from before approaches Skye, "is everything okay?"

Both Skye and Chris whip their heads up to look at him in unison, "fuck off!" He sees the man put up his hands in silent defeat before walking away. Skye looks at the bartender, "ice. Please." She accepts the ice in a towel from the bartender, placing it on her knuckles as Chris scoffs, chuckling softly.

He grabs her arm, pulling her away from the bar and everyone else to a dark corner of the bar. "Ow."

She only shrugs as she locks eyes with him, "you don't just kiss a girl in a bar Chris. Is that how you pick up women?"

Chris laughed, "of course not. But when I've already spent so much time with my lips on hers and her body."

She blushes slightly at the thought before she shakes her head. "Just because you had permission before, doesn't mean you still do." She sighs, running her thumb gently along the split lip, wiping away excess blood before bringing the ice up to his lip softly as he winced.

"I'm sorry for kissing you."

She nods, crossing her arms, "continue."

He huffs a small laugh, "here?"

"Why not. Keep going." She hears him sigh, going to open his mouth, but she interrupts him. "You hurt me. You weren't the only one that had to let someone in." She took a step closer to him, pressing her finger hard into his chest, "I told you I don't just sleep around with someone unless I care about them. Unless I have feelings for them. You used that against me. Used me. And then when the time came, dropped me to the side so easily."

"No! Not easily." He set the ice on the table beside him, grabbing her waist. He felt her tense up, but he didn't stop, "it was not easy for me Skye. And I did not use you. I slept with you because I had feelings for you too. I still do." He felt her body relax a little in his touch, resting her hands on his arms. "I let my head outweigh my heart, and I regret it everyday. I've missed you so much." He sees her avoiding looking at him as he continues. "I deserved the punch. Who knew you had it in you kitten." He hears her let out a small giggle before looking back at him. "I love you."

"What did you just say?" She feels her face flush, her heart catching at his words. "Don't says things you don't mean just to try and fix things."

"No. I'm not just saying it." He brings his right hand up, cradling her chin between his thumb and forefinger to make sure her gaze stays on him. "I've had six months to consider the weight of those words. Six months to come to terms with how I felt, how I feel. And I fucking love you. And I was an idiot to cast you aside and I'm sorry Skye."

She presses her lips back to his, feeling him wince slightly, but he doesn't pull away. She tastes the copper in the blood from his lip mixed with the whiskey he was drinking before as she melted into him. She let him pull her body flush to his again as she moaned softly into his mouth before finally pulling away. She felt him rest his forehead on hers as she brought her hand up to run her thumb over the cut on his lip again, "I'm sorry I punched you."

He laughs, shaking his head, "no. I deserved it. You have nothing to apologize for. Except for maybe running away. I miss you Skye. Lizzie misses you. She can almost say your name now."

She feels an ache in her heart, feeling almost as it it'll burst at his words, "really? I miss Lizzie." She looks down at his button up shirt, her hand roaming his chest. She undoes a button, leaning down to kiss him on his chest, "you don't have another hot nanny in waiting?"

"No." He grabs her chin again to make her look at him. "No. My mom has been watching her when I need her to. I also notice you didn't say anything about missing me."

She grinned, still playing with the buttons on his shirt with her right hand, her left hand still in his hair, "I'm still here in your grip aren't I?"

He nods, not pushing the fact she never said she loved him back because he didn't need to hear it until she was ready. "My mom has Lizzie tonight. Let me take you home with me. You still have some clothes there. Please."

Skye smiles, "if that's your birthday wish."

Chris laughs, "it's my only one."

Nanny Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now