Chapter 17

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**6 months later**


Skye groans, looking down at her cart as she walks through the aisles, "fuck." She stops at his voice, but doesn't turn around, hearing him marching up to her from behind. When he finally reaches her, she feels his hand on her shoulder.

Scott grabs Skye's shoulder, turning her to face him. His emotions are played out in his eyes, annoyance as well as surprise as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "How long have you been back in Boston?"

She shrugs when he finally pulls away. "A few weeks after New Years."

"What?! All this time? How could you not have told anybody? Chris, me?"

She scoffs softly, "as if any of you care."

Scott takes a step back, lowering his voice, stunned at her words, "of course we do. I thought we were friends."

"Right. And I thought I was sort of dating Chris. No. I was just someone who was there because he was too lazy to look outside the house. And you? You only talked to me at parties, holidays." She let's out an annoyed laugh, "no. Not friends Scott." She pushes her cart forward but hears Scott follow her, stopping her as he grabbed her arm.

"I'm sorry. I should have done more to make you feel wanted. We all could have. But I assure you, Chris cared about you, he still does. He misses you like crazy, it's written all over his face even if he doesn't say it. He's withdrawn back in again. He needs you."

She lets his words fall over her as she sighs, "he hurt me."

Scott laughed, "I never said he didn't or tried to minimize what he did. He's an idiot. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care." He sighed after standing for a minute in silence. "We're going to a bar this weekend, for his birthday. Come?"

She groaned, shaking her head, "if I thought I could face him, I would have shown up to his house by now."

"Just give me your phone." He sees her hesitate, but hands it to him as he puts in his number. "I messaged myself so I have your number. I'll text you the details and you can decide to come or not. I won't tell Chris. Wouldn't want to get his hopes up. But please think about it at least?"

Skye nodded as she let out a long sigh, "I will think about it." She watches him disappear almost as quick as he appeared before returning to finishing her own shopping before leaving the store.


Skye paces in her apartment an hour she is supposed to meet Scott at the bar for Chris's birthday. She did as her father asked, she returned to Boston, but she didn't follow through completely. She's supposed to be facing her problems, not continuing to run from them. What if she doesn't show and Scott tells Chris that she's in Boston? She couldn't deny that she missed him. His smell, the feel of his embrace. She closed her eyes, thinking about how he was when she first arrived and how hard she worked to bring him out. How patient she was, even she didn't realize she had that much patience. But she waited and let him come to her when he was ready, and he did. And then he tore it all to pieces all by himself.

She sighed, going into her room to get dressed into a slinky black dress that was open back with black heels to match. She would go see him because she knew she had to talk to him. Now she was angry. And determined. She brushed out her long dark hair, leaving to rest on one shoulder before transferring her phone, ID and credit card into a much small back purse. She stopped at the entryway mirror wondering if she over did it but she only shrugs before leaving.


Skye walks right to the bar as soon as she walks in, ignoring everything and everyone else until she gets a bit of liquid courage inside her. She downs a shot of amber liquid and another.

Chris looks up from his seat in the back corner of the bar where his friends are surrounding him. He sees the dark hair as she approaches the bar. From this angle, he could see her perfectly, but she would never see him unless she knew where he was. His heart races as he feels Scott shift beside him.

"I invited her, I hope that's okay."

"What?!" He peels his eyes off Skye for a moment to look at his brother. "How did you know she was here in Boston?"

Scott shrugs, "I ran into the other day at the grocery store. I told her I wouldn't tell you about it because I didn't want to get your hopes up that she would come. I was sure she wouldn't."

"Ugh!" Chris brushes him out of the way as he finds his feet on the ground. He grabs his drink, downing it quickly before making his way to Skye. She's still standing at the bar and has taken three shots of whiskey. He had never seen her really drink before. He notices a man staring to approach her from the other way, but Chris makes it to her before he does, placing his hand on her lower back. "Skye."

Skye clenches her jaw, her heart fluttering at his touch, his soft voice. She turns around to speak, but as soon as she turns, his mouth is on hers. She wants to fight, this isn't what she came here for. She wanted to have words with him. Tell him how he hurt her. But with his lips pressed to hers, she seems to have lost all her thoughts. She groans internally, her body betraying her as she lets him pull her in closer, opening her mouth to give his tongue entrance as she runs her hands up to wrap her arms around his neck. Her face feels hot as her thoughts come flooding back in, making her pull away from him. And as she does, before he can get a word out, her fist makes clumsy, firm contact with his mouth.


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