Chapter 27

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**1 month later**

"Are you ready Chris?" Skye stood at the door to her parents house in Florida as she gripped on Chris's hand.

He laughed, "seems you're far more nervous than I am. It'll be fine. We'll spend a few days with your parents and then we'll go on the honeymoon and make more grandchildren."

She shook her head as she laughed as the door opened and she came face to face with her father. "Daddy." She released Chris to hug Brian before entering the house. She turned back to Chris, "daddy, this is Chris. Chris, this is my father Brian."

Brian grinned at him, shaking his hand, "I'm sorry we haven't met before now. Skye's mother has been sick for a while and doesn't travel well."

Chris smiled, "well I should have made a point to come much sooner."

Brian looked around, "you didn't bring your daughter?"

Chris laughed, "not this time. She's with my mother while we're here. After we leave here, we're leaving for our honeymoon."

Brian grinned, "oh I see. Going to make me grandchildren of my own?"

Skye blushed, hitting him in the arm, "daddy!"

Brian shrugged, "honest question. I wouldn't say no."

She rolled her eyes, feeling Chris wrap his arm around her waist, "how's mom?"

"She's been feeling pretty good recently actually. Now that's she's healing from the mastectomy. For now they're just keeping an eye on her. She just got up a bit ago, she'll be down in a bit. She's been looking forward to seeing you and meeting Chris."

Skye smiled, following him into the living room to sit on the couch. "Skye? Is that you?"

She stood back up at her mother's voice, turning to see her coming down the stairs with a smile on her face. "Mama."

Her mother Katherine stopped at the bottom of the stairs, "well it's about time."

Skye laughed, hugging her before turning to Chris to introduce them. "I'm sorry. Maybe we should have gotten married here."

"No. It's fine. You wanted to get married where you call home. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just glad you're here." She turned to Chris, "Captain America. Quite the catch."

Chris laughed, "Skye is quite the catch. She's amazing."

Brian smiled, "I'm just glad you fixed it. You're welcome for forcing her to go back to Boston."

Chris laughed again, "oh, well, too bad it took 6 months for me to find out she was there."

"6 months!"

Skye flinched as her mother hit her in the arm, "I was stubborn and hurt. But it doesn't matter anymore. We're together."

Katherine grinned, "and grandchildren?"

Chris laughed as Skye groaned, "soon, I hope." He shrugged as Skye hit him, "we've already talked about it. What's the harm in telling them?"

"Because we aren't pregnant yet, because we haven't even started trying yet."

He grinned, "soon." He watched her roll her eyes as her parents led them farther into the house.


"You realize there's snow in Boston right now, right? But yet you wanted to honeymoon somewhere with snow?"

Skye laughed as she watched Chris set their suitcases on the ground next to their bed. "Sure, but does Boston have the northern lights?" She pointed to the glass dome at the end of their small cabin in Finland, "we can lay under the sky and watch in the warmth of our cabin." She hesitated, "would you have preferred a beach somewhere?"

He grinned, "well that would mean less clothes." He laughed, pulling her to him, "no. I told you whatever you wanted to do. I'll follow you anywhere Skye. And this place is great."

She smiled, "good." She stepped away from him as she began to undress, "because we don't have to wear clothes here either. As long as you promise to keep me warm."

"Oh, til death do us part." He heard her giggle as he followed suit, slowly removing his clothes until they were both standing naked. He groaned, wrapping his arms around her waist as he led her back to their bed, gently pushing her onto it. He hovered over her, resting his weight on one hand, "so, kids?"

She nodded, "I got my implant removed after the wedding. I knew you didn't want to wait much longer."

He grinned, "well, Lizzie is already about to turn 3. I don't want too big of an age gap."

"I know." She wrapped her arms around his neck, adjusting her body so he was between her legs. She felt his erection already pressing against her, "then you better get to it Evans."

"Anything for you, Mrs. Evans." He didn't wait for a response, crashing his lips into hers as she moaned. He felt her arch her back to him as he entered her quickly, not wasting anymore time. He pulled back, watching her eyelids flutter as she threw her head back at his touch, "god, I love you."

She giggled, looking back up at him as she wrapped her legs around him, "I love you too."


"I don't want to leave our little private universe Chris."

He laughed at Skye as he shoved stuff into his suitcase almost two weeks later. "Me neither. And if Lizzie wasn't at home waiting for us, I would say let's stay. But I miss her and we have to return to the real world."

She groaned, sitting up on the bed, "I miss her too. Now that I have you under my clutches I can send her off to a boarding school in the Alps and keep you all to myself."

Chris laughed, tossing her shoes at her, "oh please. You'd never be able to send her away."

She giggled, putting on her shoes before standing up beside him. "How do you know it hasn't all been a ploy just to get you to marry me."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. "Because I know you better than anyone. Now let's go sweetheart."

"I'm already packed. Just waiting for you." She grinned as he looked around, seeing only his stuff.

"Well fuck." He watched her place her suitcase next to his on the bed, "when did you do that?"

"When you were in the shower. I miss Lizzie too and I'm ready to go home and be your wife."

"Me too." He leaned down, capturing her lips in his before she pushed him away.

"Hurry up."

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