Chapter 5

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Chris watched Skye climb into the backseat with Elizabeth again as he rolled his eyes, driving back to his house. He watched her scoop up Elizabeth, quickly entering the house before he could say anything. He watched her disappear into Elizabeth's room, coming back out alone.

"She's asleep."

Chris nodded, starting to say something before Skye went into her room, closing the door behind her. He went into the kitchen, putting some stuff away when he heard her enter behind him. He turned around to see her holding something in her hand. "Skye.."

Skye shook her head, stopping him as she placed the paper on the counter, "I was going to give you this this morning but... well. Happy birthday."

He smiled, picking up the paper as she scurried away again. He turned the page over to see a sketch she made of him and Melanie with her holding Elizabeth as she was now. He felt his eyes welling as he groaned at having been such an ass that morning. He set the photo on the counter before going to Skye's room. He went to knock but heard her crying in her room as he groaned, resting his head against the door. He sighed, deciding to wait until morning, going to his own room, closing the door behind him.


Skye woke up in the middle of the night to Elizabeth screaming. She went to Elizabeth's room as Chris came out of his own. "I have it. You can go back to sleep."

Chris sighed, going into the kitchen to make Elizabeth a bottle, going back to her room as Skye was just finishing changing her. He handed her the bottle as she sat in the rocker in the corner, "thank you Skye."

She nodded, not looking at him as she fed Elizabeth, burping her and rocking her back to sleep. She set her back into the crib almost an hour later, taking the bottle to the kitchen to wash it. She jumped when she found Chris sitting at the counter, eating ice cream out of the container. "I'm sorry."

Chris shook his head, "don't be." He set a spoon on the counter next to him as he pushed the ice cream over, "sit." He saw her hesitate as she placed the bottle in the sink, "please Skye."

She nodded, sitting beside him as she took a bite of the ice cream.

"Thank you. For the picture. It's amazing and I really love it."

"You're welcome."

He sighed, resting his hand on her arm, "Skye. Look at me." He heard her sigh, hesitating before finally looking up at him. "I'm really sorry I was an ass. Okay? You've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry."

She nodded, "I know I've done nothing wrong. But grief doesn't mean we're allowed to treat people like shit."

Chris chuckled, "I know that. I'm really sorry. You're amazing, and Lizzie really loves you."

"Well she's really great. Despite her father." She smiled as Chris laughed, "sorry."

"No. I deserve it. It's fine." He hesitated, grabbing another bite of ice cream. "Melanie and I used to stay up on our birthdays and talk and eat ice cream. We would talk about our year and how we'd like the following year to go."

Skye smiled, "I really love that Chris." She watched him take another bite of ice cream, "and how old are you this year?"

He groaned, "38. I'm an old man." He smiled as she giggled softly, eating more of the ice cream. "Thanks for sitting with me."

She nodded, "so plans for the next year?"

He chuckled, "I don't know. Honestly I'm just trying to take one day at a time. And not let the grief overcome me. I know you were just trying to be nice." He grabbed her hand in his, "I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's fine Chris. Really. Thank you for apologizing."

He nodded, "good. Because you live here and we're going to be seeing a lot of each other. I don't want you wandering around like a stranger. I want you to feel at home. "Okay?"

Skye smiled, "okay. Thank you." She stood up, placing her spoon in the sink, "I should get to bed. Thank you for the ice cream and the apology."

Chris stood up with her, "you're welcome." He watched her hesitate before walking away to her room. He put the ice cream away before washing the spoons and going to his room.


Skye woke up late in the morning, just after 9, surprised that Elizabeth didn't wake her up. She got dressed quickly in leggings and a t-shirt, finding Chris in the kitchen with Elizabeth. He set a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of her as she sat at the counter. "Chris, thank you!"

He smiled, "you're welcome. I made you miss breakfast yesterday."

She chuckled, seeing Elizabeth shove some scrambled eggs into her mouth, "well thank you."

He smiled again, pointing to the Keurig, "coffee?"

She nodded, "please." She watched him make her a cup before setting it in front of her.

"I already ate, but I saved you some."

"Well I appreciate it. I'm sorry I didn't hear Lizzie wake up."

Chris shrugged, "it's fine. You're mostly just here for when I get overwhelmed and for when I'm filming. Which I'm going to be doing here in Boston."

Skye smiled, "okay. No problem. I'll stay here with her?"

"Yeah. I'm going to get you a car today so that you have your own car to get around in."

She nodded, "I appreciate that. Thank you."

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