Chapter 8

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Skye sat at the kitchen table the next morning with Elizabeth when she saw Chris enter. "Morning." She pointed to the stove, "I left you some eggs."

"Thanks." He grabbed a plate before sitting across from her at the table. He sighed, looking up at her, "look. About last night.."

She shrugged, "it was just a kiss and you don't want me to read too into it. I get it."

"It's just that I don't want to lead you on."

Skye giggled, "from one kiss? I'm fine Chris. Did I like the kiss? Yes. Would I like to do it again? Of course. But you're not leading me on. I know you're conflicted as well as having a lot of other stuff going on. Seriously, it's all good." She leaned forward, resting her hand on his, "don't worry about me."

Chris smiled and nodded, "thank you. And for the record, I enjoyed it and would maybe like to do it again too. I just don't know when."

She grinned, "I'm not going anywhere." She got up to clean her stuff before grabbing Elizabeth as Chris stood up.

"I have to get to set. Thank you for breakfast."

She nodded, "of course. Probably going to go shopping today. If you think of anything, you can text me?"

"Sure." He hesitated after putting his stuff in the sink. "Will you have dinner with me tonight?" He sighed, shaking his head, "I mean, we always eat dinner together. But I mean..."

She placed her hand on his arm, "I'd like that. I'll make dinner?"

Chris nodded, "okay. I appreciate that. Thanks Skye." He brought his hand up to her cheek, running his thumb gently along her cheekbone before pulling away to leave. "I'll see you later."

She watched him kiss Elizabeth on the head before walking away, leaving her with a smile.


Chris walked in the house slightly later than normal, at almost 8. He took off his shoes, finding Skye in the kitchen, "where's Elizabeth?"

"I'm sorry. She's in bed already. You just missed her." She saw him nod as he walked away as she plated dinner for the two of them. She heard him on the monitor talking softly to Elizabeth as she smiled. She sat at the table, waiting for Chris, watching him come to sit across from her.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

She shrugged, "it's fine Chris. I'm not your keeper anymore than you are mine."

He laughed, taking a drink of water, "I appreciate that."

She grinned, "I'm Elizabeth's keeper. As long as I know where she is, I'm good."

"You better know where she is."

She laughed as he smirked at her.

"Thanks for making dinner Skye. I don't know why I made it so awkward this morning."

Skye shrugged, "it's fine Chris. I get it. I mean, I've never been in your situation. But I have lost someone and I know what it feels like to not want to replace them."

He nodded, looking down at his plate. "I know. It's been 7 months and I know she wouldn't want me moping around forever. But at the same time, I'm not sure that I'm ready for that spot to be filled."

"Chris, no one will ever fill that spot. It's about creating new space for someone without removing the space you already have."

He smiled, looking up at her, "for someone so young, you seem far wiser than most people I know."

She laughed, shrugging, "I've had a lot of therapy over the last year. Besides, it's one or two kisses. Not like you're proposing. Right?"

He laughed, "definitely not."

She grinned, "well then, no need to freak out." She rested her hand on his on the table, "and even if it stays there, I don't feel like you led me on. In fact, quite the opposite, making me cry and all."

He groaned, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I was kidding."

He nodded, watching her go back to eating her dinner, "thanks. Do you want to watch a movie with me when we're done?"

She smiled up at him, "yeah. Sure."

Once they finished eating, Skye disappeared to her room to change into shorts and an oversized t-shirt before going into the tv room to wait for Chris. She watched him come in to sit next to her in athletic shorts and a t-shirt too as he turned on the tv. She smiled as she watched him turn on a Disney movie as he put his arm up on the back of the couch.

He watched her, unsure if she should move closer. He grabbed the blanket from the back, placing it on both of them as he moved closer to her, wrapping his arm around her, giving her silent permission to rest her head on his chest. He felt her rest her hand on his chest as they watched the movie.

Skye heard his heart beating fast as she rested her hand on his chest. She felt his fingers tracing small circles on her lower back under her shirt. She heard him sigh before she looked up at him, seeing him look back as he brought his hand up to her cheek.

Before he had time to second guess himself, he kissed her again. He moved his hand from her cheek to her thigh, gripping it as he pulled her into his lap, making her straddle him as he pulled back to look at her.


"I'm just going with it." He saw her nod as he pressed his lips to hers, feeling her tongue teasing him as he moaned.

He kissed her slowly, their tongues teasing each other as she felt him grow hard under her. She groaned as she felt his hand on her lower back, pulling her down on him she she grinded on him slowly. She moaned as his erection pushed against her clit through her shorts.

He smiled as he heard her moaning, gripping her waist with his hands as he helped her. He pulled his mouth from hers as he watched her, "oh Skye. Are you going to cum on me?" He heard her whimper as she nodded, making him moan as he watched her throw her head back. He wrapped an arm around her back, holding onto her as she rode out the wave as he watched her. "That's amazing." He felt her make his shorts wet as she groaned, standing up as he watched her rush away to her room.

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