dating Seeley booth headcanons

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headcanons about dating my favorite guy<3

-calls you 'squint' 'babe' love'

-cuddles every night

-naps in your office and his

-wearing his 'fbi' jacket

-he gives you his dog tag

-always being worried about eachother

-holding hands everywhere

-he tells sweets about you.

-movie nights

-the dates>>>>

-watching hockey together

-passionate kissing

-one time you wore his hoodie and he got so happy and just- mwah.

-he gets JEALOUS. alot

-you guys laugh at the most random things and in serious situations.

-being best friends with brennan/angela

-parker ADORING you

-making out when ever and wherever you can

-hes a HORNY MF

-you guy have a special knock so you know when its eachother

-naps togteher

-you guys get a dog and a cat.

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