Wendell bray SMUT

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Me and Wendell had just gotten married after dating for 3 years! He was the love of my life and was everything I could have ever needed. After we left our magical wedding we took a car home. One thing about me and Wendell is that we haven't had sex because I was waiting for marriage, Wendell has had sex before but not for 4 YEARS. Anyways, we stepped out of the car and I began walking up to our new house which funny enough was right next door to Hodgins and Angela's house! He stopped me and the picked me up carrying me bridal style. I was laughing the entire time. He was a Cheesy idiot, but he was my cheesy idiot. He let me down and we walked up the steps and into our house as soon as the door was closed Wendell smashed his lips on mine and pinned me against the wall. We began to passionately make out, Wendell's hands went from my waist to my back pulling me towards him.
We made out the entire way to our bedroom. 
We began to undress eachother. I took of Wendell's suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt and I was still in my dress  I stopped kissing him and slid my dress down my body to reveal my lingerie. Wendell was mesmerized by the sight of me. I got on my knees and undid his pants and slid them down his legs he stepped out of them and then pulled me up to kiss him. "Tonight's about you not me babe" he said between kisses and pushed me on the bed. He ran his hands up and down my body kissing me from my lips to my neck and down my chest. He stopped before he kissed my soaked cunt. "Are you sure your ready?" He asked gently. "Positive" I said with a smile. He pulled my thong down my legs to reveal my soaked pussy.  He spread my legs and began to kiss my thighs, he then placed a kiss on my clit. My breath hitched.  He used his fingers to spread my wetness around. He attached his lips to my clit and began to suck. I bucked my hips up and moaned loudly. He began eating me out like there was no Tomorrow. I felt an unfamiliar pit in my stomach,
"Wendell.. what's that, oh god I think I'm going to-"
I moaned but was cut out by Wendell stopping.
"Why did you stop is everything okay?-"
"I want you to cum when I'm inside you" Wendell replied while pulling down his boxers, his thick long cock hitting his stomach with pre-cum leaking from the tip. I sat up and unclipped my lace bra leaving me completely exposed to Wendell. He leaned in and ran his hand over my tits. "Are you ready? We don't have to continue if you don't want too" he said.
"I want too, I'm a little nervous but I'm less nervous knowing it's you." I replied. Wendell smiled warmly.
He lined himself up with my entrance,
"This is going to hurt but I'll stop whenever you say love" he began to push himself into me. He threw his head back and moaned. It felt like something ripped inside of me and tears began to form in my eyes.
He bottomed out and god was he big.
"Hold on hold on" I said trying not to cry. "Tell me when your ready lovely" he kept saying sweet things to make me feel better. Soon the pain was hardly noticeable. I'm glad it was because Wendell was trying not to fuck the shit out of me right then and there. "You can move" I said. He began rocking his hips into me and pulling out then slowly pushing back in. I started moaning, I had never felt this way before. Wendell stopped, "why did you stop am I doing something wrong?-" he pounded  into me hitting my g-spot. I practically screamed. Wendell smirked and did this over and over again. He was supporting himself with his arm and the other was on my tit.
He groaned and moaned with each thrust.
"Faster" I said out of no where. Wendell just looked at me and smiled then began to go faster and faster. He was pounding into me at an ungodly pace.
He leaned down and kissed me wrapping his around around the side of my neck and whispering in my ear.. "god you feel so good" "I fucking love you"
"Your mine" "your doing so well baby" "you like that?" "Pretty girl"
I was screaming/moaning his name over and over again. The pit in my stomach grew stronger and stronger when my orgasm snapped and my eyes rolled to the back of my head, my nails dig into Wendell's back and my legs started shaking.  I wrapped my hands in wendell hair and was moaning directly in his ear.  He gave one final thrust and threw his head back and moaned my name.
His hot seed coating my walls. He slowly pulled out of me and layed next to me, he wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest.
"Well that was fantastic" exclaimed wendell.
"Yeah.. it was uh it was nice"
"Nice?? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just- I feel kind of different now that I'm you know not a virgin and all"
"Oh.. I'm sorry if I did something wrong or had I just- I wanted it to be special"
"Wendell it was special. It was perfect and it will happens a lot more often. I just- I feel like I should've done some things differently"
"what! Why? You were literally perfect!"
"Because that was my first time doing anything with anyone and there is still so much stuff I haven't done yet"
"I will help you with whatever you want done" teased wendell.  I smirked and threw my leg over on to Wendell's lap so that I would be grinding on him.
Wendell chuckled a little bit, "what are you doing babe?" And without warning I sat down on his thick cock that was semi hard. I began rocking my hips back and forth then going up and down. I was moaning. Wendell threw his head back and moaned my name.  I held onto his shoulders and kept riding him like there was no tomorrow.  I was holding onto his shoulders and kissed him. I kissed down his neck.  He had his hands on my hips guiding me. 
I soon had yet another mind melting orgasm and so did wendell. We fell asleep soon after. We woke up the next morning, Wendell's hand on my lower back and me face down asleep next to him. 
"Good morning husband" I said as I yawned
"Good morning wife" he said as he sat up and stretched.  Me and wendell got up and I made breakfast while he was hugging me from behind.
I was wearing his button up shirt from last night and it was unbuttoned, I had on my underwear and bra. Wendell was wearing grey sweatpants and was shirtless. We ate breakfast while talking about everything we want to do now that we are married.
While cleaning up I said
"I should give you a blowjob" and ate a strawberry.
Wendell choked on his water and I laughed a little.
"Where did that come from!" He said shocked.
"I don't know but I have never have someone a blowjob." I said.  "Or had sex in a kitchen or shower or a car or your lab. Or a hot tub or on a beach"
"Guess I have a lot of work to do" wendell said cockily. "Speaking of witch I'm going to shower now care to join me?" I said nonchalantly.
"Don't have to tell me twice"  wendell said.
I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
Wendell came up behind me spinned me around and smashed our lips together. We quickly took off our clothes and got in the shower. "God you look hot in the shower" he said looking me up and down.
We began passionately making out when I began to kiss down his body reaching his cock. I placed a kiss on the top of it and wendell practically moaned.
I took the tip in my mouth the began bobbing my head down his entire length over and over again.
I don't know why but I kind of liked this.
Wendell's hands wrapped into my hair as he began to fuck my mouth. He was a moaning mess. I stood up just before he finished and he gave me a shocked look. "What was that for!" "I want to try something else before you cum" I replied. "Okay what? Anything it's up to you babe" wendell smiled.
"I went to- I want to- sorry I want YOU too.. fuck me as hard and fats as you can while calling my nasty names. But you also have to finger fuck me"I said weirdly confident.
He was shocked. "I mean- if you want me too!" We got out of the shower and instead of waking to the bedroom to get changed I walked into the kitchen,dropped my towel and sat on the counter.
Wendell smirked and walked over then dropped his towel. He kissed me and I pulled on his hair a little. He started playing with my clit. I let out a silent moan. I slid off the counter and wendell slid one finger inside of me and began pumping it and out of my tight hole. He then added another. I was already a moaning mess. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I whimpered. "You like that?" "You like that when I finger you?" "I love seeing you crumble order me"
Wendell saying these things made me scream as he picked up the pace.  He curled his finger and I screamed his name and came undone. He licked his fingers clean. I was out of breath and he stood there watching me and smirked. I bent over the counter and said "use me" and wendell smiled. He lined himself up with my entrance and without warning slammed into me. He began repeatedly slamming his thick hard cock into me holding my ass in place with one hand he slapped it with the other. I screamed I'm of bliss. I came undone quickly because I was sensitive. Wendell turned me around and picked me up still pounding into me. And layer me on the couch. I was screaming and he was moaning while he finished but didn't stop.
Instead he continued you slam his thick hard dick into me. "Hold it." Wendell said while still slamming into me. "I don't know if I can!" I moaned loudly.
Around 10 minutes later he was still going just as fast, I was screaming his name and wendell was moaning. "3,2..1!" Wendell said as he came undone. He threw his head back and moaned.
My back arched even more my legs were shaking and my eyes rolled to the back of the head, I was moaning/screaming for at least the next 5 minutes. Wendell pulled out and Layed on top of me.
"I love you" he said out of breath. "I love you too" I said out of breath. There was a knock at the door..
SHIT the house warming party. Wendell and I got up and tan to yeh bedroom he got dressed in not even a minute I however did not. He opened the door and let hodgins/Angela/cam/booth/Brennan/Aubrey
Inside. I came out in an adorable sun dress, it was yellow with tiny flowers on it and it went up to above me knee. I had brushed my hair and teeth so I killed mostly presentable except for the fact that I need forgot to cover all of the hickey that Wendell had gave me and he forgot to cover his. I greeted everybody and Angela couldn't stop smirking at me and Wendell and hodgins couldn't stop laughing.

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