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This is a request from ...
They requested that I do something where the reader (you) is dating Aubrey or sweets while being apart of the BAU

The BAU gave Aubrey his own office when he was updated to special agent, you two would have.. fun there. I'm talking the desk, floor, couch, wall. EVEERYWHERE. The fact that someone could walk in gave him the Hots lmao

Booth and make jokes about you guys dating all the time.

You guys would have your own diner table and when brennan noticed she asked Aubrey about it and explained how she didn't like change.
"Look DR B I love her and don't get me wrong I love you guys too and ever since we started working together the one thing that has never changed is the diner we sort of I don't know- the point is she is a huge part of my life and the diner is kind of a safe place"
"A safe place?"
"When we are at work we are at work and can't talk about the things we find cool or the things we think of but at the diner which we normally go to for lunch or dinner we get to talk about everything and I never want to not talk about everything with her"

His office ;)

Swifties but in denial about it

You would start laughing randomly and every one thought you were insane.

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