Dating Parker booth headcanons

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These are headcanons about the older Parker booth like season 11/12

- he's so adorable

- the entire team loves you guys

-he is so funny

- would kill for you. No questions asked.

-loves physical efection

-you play video games together

-he flirts with you like you haven't been dating and don't know each other

-on thanksgiving when the team was coming over to booth and Brendan's house for dinner you two were cuddling on the couch and booth said "he really does love her" and Brennan said "he's just like his dad, in love with a brilliant woman".
"All jokes aside that's adorable" - Angela
Hodgins would take a photo for the Christmas party.

-TW/abuse mention
Parker would become an FBI agent like his dad.
Because, when Parker was around 13 his mom (Rebecca) was in a toxic relationship. One day Parker seen  —- hit Rebecca and tried to stop —-
But he ended up getting hurt himself. He got so used to protecting people he made a career out of it and loves his job.

-you take his hoodies.

-you have a hand shake

- you guys watch hockey together

-you are close with his family and friends

-after you guy have been dating for around 2.5 years he propose(it was adorable) and you guys moved into booth and Brennans  neighborhood.

-booth has walked in on you two making out once and he once walked in on y'all doing the ✨deed✨
He didn't make a huge deal out of it but he definitely spiralled and asked for help from the squints and sweets.

-you guys are literally out of every god damn rom con movie every made.

-you braid his hair when your bored and he hates it so much but he secretly like it.

-forehead kisses.

-one time you guys were sitting on your end about to go to sleep and he did the Scooby doo laugh out of no where and then you guys literally laughed until the sun came up.

-I'm awkward situations he just says "hey girl hey.."

-once you guys were watching some random movie and this guy gave a girl head in the ocean and he started singing "under the sea"

-he would call you princess

-one time during a really sad movie night with everybody you guys made eye contact and started laughing but it was like that slowly evolving laughing
And you guys genuinely rolled on the floor crying of laughter and had to fucking CRAWL out of the living room laughing and just ended up in the kitchen crying of laughter.

Enjoy these headcanons about my favourite boy<3
He's so under- rated. Ugh I love him so much

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