Zack request

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Request for anonymous! Sorry about the typos and just how bad it is lmao
It was around 9 Pm on a Saturday night and me and Zack were hanging out in watching Tv and talking.
We had been dating for awhile now but no one else really knew. We were making out wich wasn't uncommon. I was on his lap straddling him and he was grinding my hips on him gently.
We heard the door open. Shit.
I got off his lap quickly and we were both of breath with messed up hair,zacks shirt was party undone, I had hickeys all down my neck and so did he.
They walked around the corner holding boxes of pizza and case files.
"Uh hello!" Hodgins said trying not to laugh a little.
I got up and grabbed the pizza and started getting plates too.
Of course through out the night angela pulled me aside and started me asking me questions.
Long story short they never failed to bring it up.
Even at our wedding.

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