Zack smut.

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Sorry for spelling mistakes
I don't know how my night went from working late at the lab to being underneath of zack addy. Naked. And making out. We had sex once before I mean we have been dating over 6 months. It was only once though. Last time I was on top. And Zack this time instead of saying facts about sex before it actually happened was pulling my as close to him as possible while smiling into the kiss. as he pushed into mei gently pulled on his hair. Before when we had sec it was gentle and slow and loving but this... this was different. Instead of waiting a minute to let me adjust and get totally comfortable he just started rocking his hips into mine. His pace quickened and he was now pumping in and out of me at a decent speed. I moaned softly between thrusts.
"Please" he begged.
"Please what?" I said before moaning again.
He wasn't looking me in the eyes. My hands were at the side of his face and shoulder. I kissed him and his breath hitched. "Please" he said clearly trying to hold something back. "I'm all yours" I moaned softly in his ear. His hands were now cupping my face and he was kissing me. Not just kissing though. It was passionate. Raw. Needy.
His hand searched for something to hold onto and landed on the head board. He began picking up his pace and bottoming out every thrust. His other hand trailed down my body and landed on my hip and he pulled it up a little. I let out an almost pornographic moan as I came undone. I was expecting him to pull out considering he had already finished. But he didn't, his thrusts got harder and faster.
Him and hodgins were still roommates so a big problem is that no one could be loud during sex.
I covered my mouth but... zack pinned my arms above me and began kissing my neck.
I was letting out loud moans almost constantly.
I had already finished 3 times.
Zack was also a moaning mess.
He pulled my leg up and to the side a little.
I stopped moving completely. And let out Han almost pornographic moan as I cried out his name and came undone yet again. He pulled out and came undone on my stomach as he kissed me. He rolled off of me and we were both out of breath.
"I love you" he sighed in relief.
"I love you too" I smiled.

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