A mornjng with -wendell bray

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I was staying at my boyfriends house and woke up around 7am. I rolled out of bed and brushed my hair and teeth,I had a shower last night so I didn't bother having one. I sat back in bed and wendell woke up,he was just smiling at me like an idiot and tucking my hair behind my ear. I was wearing his t-shirt and nothing else. I kissed him lightly and we parted our lips smiling and kissing again. He pulled me onto his lap and my hands entangled in his hair. His hands on my hips, one moving down my thigh and his hands were under my shirt. I began grinding my hips into him through his sweat pants and he let out a breathy moan. I pulled my shirt over my head and he began kissing down my neck. Somewhere along the way his sweatpants were torn off.  He began circling my clit with his hand. God. He knew my body better than I did. I let out a soft moan as I palmed him through his underwear. I sat up and he pulled them down and off. We were kissing passionately until.. the phone rang. He looked at it and just kept kissing me. I answered and got off of him talking. He threw his hands in the air dramatically and got up.  We both got dressed and I left before him.
-time skip to lunch-
I was sitting at my desk in my office,I was so bored going through emails. I unbuttoned my shirt slightly,taking my hair out and putting my glasses on. I picked up my phone and took a selfie. My black lace bra lining revealed.
-Wendell's POV-
My phone buzzed while I was sitting at my desk,I pulled it out of my pocket and opened my phone.
Oh fuck. Y/N. she looks so.. fuckable. God what I would do to her right now. I felt myself getting hard and I panicked a little. I set down my phone and kept working but god I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Throughout the day I kept sending him.. photos.
I got home a little before him and put in my tightest dress. It was a red silk dress that ended just above my mid thigh. He got home and kissed me roughly as he walked through the door. We kept kissing as I pulled off his jacket leaving him in dress pants and white button up shirt. We made our way to the bedroom. My dress was off and he was in his unbuttoned pants. We kept kissing and I began kissing down his jaw line finding his sweet spot.
I pulled his pants and underwear down and swirled my tongue around his tip and he jolted his hips forward. I pressed his hips down and took him in my mouth. My nose pressing against his stomach and he kept moaning. He was about to cum when I took my mouth off of him and he whimpered. I took my bra off and massaged my boobs softly and pushed them together around his dick. He moaned. I had never done this before but so far we both liked it. I began moving my tits up and down swiftly and he was moaning lowly. He was about to finish and I stood up. He groaned in frustration as I took off my underwear and lowered myself on him. Moving up and down slowly he started thrusting up into me and moaned. I got off of him and he looked at me confused, I laid down beside him and pulled him onto me as he entered me. "Ruin me." I said.
"W-what" "you heard me. Ruin me. I'm yours and yours to fuck." "I want you to fuck me till I pass out and you scream." He kissed me roughly and began pounding in and out of me. I began moaning loudly.
My first orgasm washed through me weather fast.
He kept slamming into me at a relentless pace as my legs wrapped around him and my nails dug into his back as I began moaning his name. Over the next 10 minutes he kept up his pace and kept moaning. I finished around 5 times and my vision was going blurry. He didn't finish yet. I don't know how.
-Wendell's POV-
I was about fucking Burst. I was denied 3 orgasms and I am about to cum the hardest time in my life.
No one makes me feel as good as her. My thrusts became sloppy and deeper.
Tears formed in my eyes as he pinned into me. I couldn't focus on anything and I wasn't in control of what I was doing. He moved his hand and began rapidly rubbing my clit roughly.
-Wendell's POV-
Tears formed in my eyes as I thrust into her. Her tits bouncing up and down. We were covered in sweat and I leant done and kissed her forehead. "You like that,god your a slut" he moaned.
My back arched my nails dug into his back desperately. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I screamed. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my legs were shaking violently as my.. juices covered him.
-wendell POV-
She screamed and I burst inside of her yelling her name and other curses as I came inside of her,relief running through my body.
I wrapped my hand around his throat and whispered in his ear.. "fuck I can't feel my legs" as they were shaking and then...stopped. My breathing slowed and I let go of wendell. He pulled out of me and I realized what I did. I squirt. All over Wendell's stomach and cock. He went to the bathroom and got a wet towel. He began cleaning me up, placing soft kissing around my body. He got clothes out of the closet and put on pajamas and handed me a pair but I didn't respond. I laid on the bed unable to move and my eyes were hardly open.
He smiled sincerely at me as he dressed me while telling my sweet things. He laid down next to me and kissed my forehead as he wrapped his arms around me. I was passed out from pleasure.

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