Finn smut

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Sorry for spelling mistakes lmao
Finn had been upset for a few days. He's in the middle of working in a pelant case and it's stressing him out. And when Finn is this kind of stressed he becomes horny, very very horny.
He was sitting at the table looking over the case files.
I went up to him.
"Hey babe" he said looking up slightly but his eyes widened when he seen me. I was wearing red lace lingerie and a very short silk black robe.
"Hey babe sorry I was getting unready, how was work?" I smiled. "uh- not great I can't figure out anything we don't already know because I keep thinking about the stuff we already do know so I can't focus on anything" he said looking back at the case files.
He found small stuff that hasn't clicked into the bug picture of the next few days. He was sitting at the table again and slammed down the case file and stood up and started walking around.
I walked out of the bathroom in the same robe this time with nothing underneath.
I went up to him and set my hand on his shoulder and the other on the side of his neck making him stop and look at me.
"What's wrong? Hey hey talk to me" I said calming him down a little.
"Please" he pleaded not looking at me.
"Please what" I asked.
He threw his head back and sighed.
He cupped the side of my neck and the other was on my waist but he still couldn't look me in the eyes.
I just started kissing him and then his neck. I unbutton just pants and the dropped to the ground and he stepped out of them. We had never had sex before but we had been dating for several years.
I slowly pulled down his boxers and he was... huge.
It was clear that he had been hard for days.
"We don't have too-" but he was cut off when I took him in my mouth without hesitation. His hips bucked forwards into me. I slowly began bobbing my head up and down.
He was shaking because he was trying to suppress every noise he made. I pulled my mouth off of him and said "let me hear you" before I took him back in my mouth this time going deeper.
His hands found their way into my hair and held them up. He let out a loud choked moan.
"Fuck" he moaned. He kept moaning my name softly as he threw his head back as he came undone in my mouth and I swallowed.
At this point we kissed all the way to bedroom.
Soon enough I was naked and so was he.
I was underneath of him.
"Wait wait wait" I said and he immediately rolled off of me still fully hard. He hasn't even actually fucked me yet. I sat up and turned around. I was on my hands and knees in the middle of the bed.
"Are you sure?" He asked out of breath from kissing.
"I'm sure" I said reassuringly. "Put all the anger you have into me. This." I explained.
"O-Okay" he said nodding.
He slowly lined himself up and pushed into me.
We both let out soft moans. He was slowly pumping his cock in and out of me. A loud choked moan filled the room when he roughly pushed into me for the first time. Again. Again. And again. He was roughly but slowly pounding into me.
His arms were tense and so was his body. He was holding back.
"Ruin me" I smiled. His hands were on my hips and ass as he started slamming into me repeatedly.
I was holding onto the sheets and my face was pressed into the mattress and I was practically screaming. Suddenly I felt a fast smack on my ass.
Did he just spank me?
I moaned loudly into the mattress as I came undone again. He pulled out and came undone on my ass and pulled me into him and up so we were laying down.
God damn.
(I just went over this and holy fuck do I not know how to spell?!)

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