Finn smut/fluff

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- Y/N POV -
Me and Finn had been dating for 3 years and we just got married. It was incredible.
The small smiles. The vows. The dress. Him. The cake. The dance. The conversations. The tears we both cried.
We did decide not to have a honey moon but would take a vacation this fall. We got home. Home.
We stepped into our new house hand in hand smiling like idiots. We helped each other get unready and got in bed as he was leaning over to turn off the lamp I stopped him and pulled him down to kiss me.
"Do you want to?" He asked. "We don't have to if your not ready" he said between kisses.
"I'm ready" we smiled and his hand wrapped around my waist. His hand began to trail up my shirt but stopped at my upper waist. I took one of my hands from his hair and placed it on his hand and moved it up to my Breast slowly. He smiles into the kiss and tan his thumb over my nipple and I let out a small gasp. After just about a minute of us passionately making out his hand trailed from my breast down and he moved my thighs apart a bit before slowly taking off my underwear and pushing it aside.
I pulled his shirt over his head and we connected our lips again. My hand went down from his shoulder and down his chest and once they broke the waist and on his underwear he gently whined into the kiss.
I pulled my shirt over my head and he looked at me shocked. He had never seen me naked quite frankly he had never seen anyone naked considering we were both virgins. I suddenly felt insecure and covered myself with my arms but he took them off my chest "you are the most gorgeous woman ever created" he said before he kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and pulled his underwear down leaving us both completely naked. My eyes widened at the sight of him. He was way bigger than I ever would of thought I mean I knew he would be decently sized but I mean I was still shocked considering I had never seen this part of him before.
"Sorry if it's not everything you need" he said quickly. "It's all I need and more" I said as I kissed him again. His hand trailed down to my clit and he began circling it. And I let out a silent moan. He spread my wetness around and smiled knowing that it was because of him. " are you 100% sure? It's not to late we can stop" he said. "I'm sure" I said reassuringly as I kissed his forehead. He kissed me and he lined himself up with my entrance while he circled my clit which was still driving me crazy.
My hands were on his shoulder and ins his hair as we kissed and I whimpered into it lightly.
He pushed into me slowly and filling me up completely and my nails dug into his skin and I let out a soft moan. He moaned as he pushed into me.
"Holy fucking shit" he said out of breath and into the kiss. He began rocking his hips into me and he pulled almost all the way out and slid back into me groaning softly. I let out a breathy moan and he began kissing down my neck. He began slowly pumping in and out of me and my back slightly arched. His pace slowly got faster with every noise I made. "Ruin me" I moaned gently in his ear and he stopped and nearly pulled out until he slammed into.
He began pounding into my at a relentless pace and my moans started getting louder. I felt an unfamiliar pit in my stomach.
"Oh god oh god oh god" "what are you okay?!" He said slowing down. I didn't answer. I didn't know if I could because of everything I was feeling. My legs wrapped around his torso and I moaned loudly.
This position let him hit spots I didn't even know existed. "Look at you, taking me so well" he moaned.
"Uh- do you like it, do you like it when I take all of you" I whispered in his ear. He gasped and pounded into me faster while moaning between thrusts.
Based on the way he reacted when I asked if he liked it when I take ALL of him I knew this would drive him insane.. "Go on Im all yours" I moaned in his ear and my legs started to tremble.
He kept getting rougher and rougher and my brain went kinda dizzy and I was moaning like crazy.
"Good girl" he moans in my ear and the thing inside my stomach snapped. "AH FUCK" I screamed.
"I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm cumming" I moaned out load as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He pulled out of me and released all over my stomach while moaning my name.
He cleaned me up and we fell asleep in each other arms. The next day I woke up and Finn was already awake. He was wearing sweatpants and was shirtless. I smiled and looked down and I seen that he what hard, painfully hard.
"What do you want to do today wife" he smiled.
"I was hoping we could stay in bed all day" I smiled.
"Sounds perfect" "you know what sounds really good right now, it's something that I've never tried"
"Cooking?" He laughed. I gasped dramatically and said "UM I was going to say riding you too giving you a blow job but never mind!" I laughed.
He laughed "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please"
"You've lost your chance I am no longer horny." I said as I got up. "Yeah the wetness that's starting to drip down your legs says differently" he smiled cockily. "Okay but.. if I say red light it means stop. If I say yellow light it means slow down or be more gentle and if I say green light do.. more." I said.
"I'm glad we have that system I would never want to hurt you babe" he smiled as he kissed me.
We were now both naked and I was underneath him.
I leant up and kissed him as he pushed into me.
He began quickly moving in and out of me.
"Yellow light" I said in his ear and he slowed down.
His had was on my waist and he pulled my side into him a little allowing him to go in at a little different of an angle. He hit a spot inside of me I didn't know I had and as soon as his dick started pressing into it repeatedly. "Fuck, right there right there" I moaned in his ear as I pulled on his hair and my nails dug into his shoulder.
"Green light" I moaned in his ear.
He began speeding up but still going just as gentle.
My back arched more into him and I moaned his name. I began grinding my hips into him as he fucked me. My orgasm washed over me and I moaned loudly. His moans were getting longer and his thrust were getting a little sloppy. His other hand trailed down my body and he began rubbing slow circles on my clit. My hand went from his shoulder down to his hand that was on my clit.
I pressed his hand more onto me and instead of using one finger to circle my clit I pressed three onto me and I immediately moaned his name. He soon pulled out,came undone on my thigh and pushed back into me. My nails dug into his back. It felt like I was cumming but I wasn't. He slowly sped up his pace hitting every inch of me while his fingers sped up. My legs started to tremble.
He began kissing me then down my jaw and neck.
"Yeah?" He asked before moaning again.
"Finn...Finn. Finn. F- Finn. FINN. FINN FUCK. FINN- UGH- FUCK"
He looked at me thinking I was hurt. He was now supporting himself with his arm and the other still toying with clit. I gasped loudly.
"Babe, are you okay???" He asked trying not to moan.
My breath was short and heavy.
My mouth hung open and my hand slid down his arm and pulled on his elbow and my back arched.
His hand now holding mine against the bed and he grounded his hips down into mine and my nails dug into his skin and I felt something in me snap.
I threw my head back into the mattress. I cried out his name like it was a prayer. with every thrust Finn became more and more covered in my juices. My moans got louder along with the sound of his moans.
"Yellow ligh- red light" I moaned as my back arched more and I came all over him. He pulled out and he came in my stomach, he came hard and moaned my name while doing so. My legs closed as they shook violently as my back arched as I still cried out his name. I came down fro my high and I look at Finn who was staring at me with a stupid proud grin on his face.
"Oh shut the fuck up" I laughed as I fell to the side closing my legs. Finn started smiling and laughing a little. "Hey it's your fault!" I said laughing a little.
"...sorry." I said embarrassed as I got up and went to the bathroom.

I made so many spelling mistakes that I'm to lazy to fix💀

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