J.H/A.M kids imagine

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In this imagine you are hodgins and Angela's kid and you are dating a guy named Marcus and they catch you two.. ykyk WARNING: implied smut,a little language, I DIDNT SPELL CHECK THIS
You and your boyfriends Marcus are home alone or so you thought. You had been dating for around 6 months and hodgins is still a little sceptical but Angela think you are the cutest. Anyways.
You were in the living room.
You were sitting on Marcus's lap while having a heated make out session. You've never made it this far but tonight was the night. Marcus's hands tan up and down your body sweezing your ass and grinding you against him. Soft moans escaped your lips between kisses. You started unbuttoning his shirt and he pulled your t-shirt over your head leaving you in a simple black bra.
When all of a sudden the front door swung open and in walked your dad and your mom with groceries.
They dropped the grocerie bags and were left standing there in shock. You quickly got off Marcus's lap and put your t-shirt on and Marcus struggled with the buttons.
"It's not what it looks like!!"
"We are just um!? We- we are studying!"
"YES for scientific things!
"A. It's summer AND B WHAT THE HELL" screamed hodgins. "Why would you- in the living room- at all!? Marcus you need to leave!"
"Dad it's not his fault!"
"Honey there __ years old you had to of known this was coming besides Marcus is a great kid! But I agree no sex in the living room" said your mom idly calm with the entire situation.
"Absolutely not! That's- that's my daughter!"
"Mr hodgins calm down please I can explain!" Marcus said panicking.
"HODGINS in the other room now!" Angela insisted while pulling him out of the room.
Around 10-ish minutes later your parents came back into the room, you guys were sitting on the couch and your dad still looked kinda pissed.
"Look honey as long as your being safe with it and we don't EVER hear or see it and it's not in the living room or kitchen!!-"
"We just want you to be safe. Your father and I kind of forgot what it's like to be teenager"
After 10 minutes of an embarrassing but kind of sweet sec talk with your parents Marcus left and you went up to your room to actually get some studying done.


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