Zack smut

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Sorry for spelling mistakes!
Me and Zack were working on a case. We were in his room and on his bed talking about the case.
I went over to reach for the case file but since I was in the other side of the bed I ended up practically straddling him reaching for it and I didn't even realize it. I opened the case file then realized I was son his lap. He was looking at me.
He took the file out of my hands gently and set it back on the night stand. Within the next 5 minutes we were both in our underwear making out passionately. I unclipped my bra and tossed it aside.
"Did you know that foreplay is extremely important for woman to enjoy sexual pleasures and every woman is typically different and likes to be touched differently" he said before kissing me again.
I smiled. "Yeah? Where do you think I want to be touched" I smiled kissing him again.
At some point my underwear came off as we talked.
"Here" he said kissing my sweet spot and I let out a sigh of relief. "Here" he said as his hand got lower and he kissed down my jaw. "And here" he said as his hand began circling my clit. I gasped as my legs bucked up slightly. He slowly flipped us over so I was underneath of him and I never realized that he took of his underwear leaving us both naked.
He kissed me deeply 'are you sure?' He asked against my lips. 'I'm sure just go slow I've never really done this' I said while smiling a little. He smiled and kissed me as he slowly pushed into me.
My mouth fell open in a silent moan as he began rocking his hips into. I let out short breathy moans every time he moved. He moaned as he slowly sped up a little. He used his hand to pull me into him,holding my lower waist.
He looked at me 'yeah?' He said trying not to moan again.
'Oh fuck zack'
My moans kept getting louder and i my nails slowly dug into his skin. He pushed my waist down into the mattress hitting me in a spot I didn't know I had.
I let out a loud moan.
'Fuck, right there right there right there' I moaned as he kept hitting that same spot.
'Oh fuck!' He moaned as he sank into me more roughly this time. My legs began to tremble as my first orgasm slowly rolled through me.
'Oh fuck harder' moaned in his ear softly.
He began slowly pounding into me as he kissed me.
His forehead rested against mine as he let out long breaths. I pulled on his hair a little and he moaned my name.
My back arched and I moaned in his ear.
He came undone not long after and we feel asleep in each other's arms.

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