Finna and michelle

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-Finn POV-
I was talking about the victim to everybody when the alarm letting everybody know someone came on the platform without an ID. I looked up and my heart dropped.
"YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH" Alex (step dad) yelled as I hit the floor after he punched me in the face. He got on top of me and began repeatedly punching me. Booth and Aubrey pulled him off of me. I stood up and suddenly I was dizzy. I had blood on the side of my face and my nose was broken. Everybody just kept asking if I was okay as security guards took Alex outside. I lifted up my hand and put it against my nose. My vision was a little blurry and tears were slowly rolling down my face and I looked down at my hands, covered in blood. My breathing was heavy and i my hands were shaking.
"FINN" I looked over and my vision cleared. I wiped my tears and blood on my lab coat.
"Dude are you okay?!"
"Was that your stepdad??"
"You should go to a hospital you broke your nose!"
"I'm so sorry"
Everybody kept saying as the huddled around me.
I ended up going to the hospital and I did indeed break my nose and fractured my collarbone,I broke my wrist trying to push him off of me.
The next day when I walked into the lab everybody just kind of stared at me but I ignored it and just started working on the case. Sweets pulled me aside as h was going about ti go for lunch and he asked if I was okay and told me that h should get a restraining order and things like that. It was Sunday which meant that I was going for Sunday night dinner at cams since I was dating Michelle.
The entire squint squad went, the entire night I was being a little more clingy to Michelle that usual.
My hand on her waist,head on her shoulder,holding her hand,hugging from the side. She didn't mind tho and gladly excepted everything. We started playing board games and watching movies, Michelle was laying on the couch and when I got back from the bathroom I honestly just kind of forgot where I was and laid on top of her. She laughed and started playing with my hair.
Over the next couple hours everybody was sitting at the table eating desert and talking about random things. When everybody decided to go home I stayed the night at cams house with Michelle and arastroo.
Me and Michelle were laying in bed and it was clear that I was upset. Before I could say anything to her,I was sitting up against the headboard and she threw her leg over top of me,straddling me.
She kissed me and I kissed her.
"Babe I'm so sore from-"
"This won't hurt at all" she said kissing down my neck gently and I was breathing heavily. She pulled her shirt over her head and I swear every time I see her like this h can't focus on anything but her. She pulled my shirt over my head gently and stood up taking off her pyjamas and I pulled mine off.
She pressed her hips down and I let out a soft groan.
She unclipped her bra and set it aside and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. "God your gorgeous" I smiled up at her and she pulled off her underwear and I pulled mine off as well. She was underneath of me and we were making out passionately as I slid into her. God she's always so tight,the way she felt around me made me moan. She moaned into the kiss and wrapped her hands in my hair and pulled gently. Normally I would gentle and loving but something came over me, it was anger. I was frustrated at my step dad and for being so weak, I needed to feel power. I began slamming into her at a relentless pace and she let out a silent moan, wrapping her legs around me.  With every noise she made I went deeper and harder. I through my head back and moaned.
"Finn, fuck, oh- FUCK I'm going to!-" she said between moans and slid me hand up and covered her mouth. I began kissing her neck and leaving dark hickeys over her. My hand was vibrating as she screamed into it. Her back arched and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she came all over my cock. I pinned her hands above her head and stopped then pounded into her and she screamed into me hand. I found her g-spot. I let go of her hands and her nails dug into my back.
"I want to hear you scream" I whispered in her ear and moved my hand off her mouth and she moaned.
My had went down to her clit and I began rubbing it furiously. She let out a chain of loud moans and screams. "Yeah you like that" I moaned. Her back arched even further as she came undone again.
At this point I had finished at least three times.
I kept moaning repeatedly the word "more" between each thrust. I don't know how I wanted more or if I could even have more. Me hand pressed on her stomach and I could feel how deep I was going.
This went on for a good 15 minutes. We were both covered in sweat and well cum. I was somehow still going, I was going more slowly but still just as hard and deep. She was moaning over and over again.
My hand trailed down to her clit and rubbed it slowly,rolling it between my fingers.
"Good girl" I moaned in her ear and her back arched and she screamed as she came undone yet again this time was different. Her... juices covered me and I came inside of her moaning. I pulled out and got up I went to the bathroom across the hall and got a towel. I cleaned myself and her up placing soft kisses all over her face. She was still out of breath and I pulled her pyjamas on her and mine on me and layed beside her wrapping  arm around her and pulled her into my chest.
"I love you" I whispered.
"I love you too but Finn..."
"I don't think I can walk" she laughed.
I smiled and we fell asleep.

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