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Not proof read at all so sorry for spelling mistakes Warnings: unprotected sex, virgin Y/N, soft dom Parker, clit play, fingering, scratching, hair pulling, gentle sex, after care.
(Sorry if I forgot anything!)
We were kissing in bed which wasn't uncommon.
The door was locked ( I don't like when people don't say this for some reason lmao)
As Parker was about to pull Away to just talk and cuddle I moved his hand from the side of my face down to my waist, I kept slowly moving his hand down.
He pulled away slowly, "are you sure?" He asked out of breath slightly. "Please" I said before kissing him again. His hand slid into my pyjamas and underwear.
He pressed his finger to my clit and I sighed in relief.
He slowly started circling my clit and I was struggling to kiss him back, my head now against the pillow. "Faster" I whispered.
He was now going at a decent pace and my breathing was really heavy. My hand clutched his shirt and I pulled him into me. "Parker" I breathed our in his ear as my body jolted into him.
"Are you okay?" He asked not stopping.
"Let me feel you" I moaned softly in his ear.
Soon enough we were both naked.. almost.
I pulled my shirt over my head revealing my now exposed chest. He smiled and kissed me deeply.
His hand was messaging my breast and I moved it down to my core. He slowly pushed two fingers into me. My hips rolled into his hand.
My curled his fingers, "oh god.." I pleaded.
He began moving his fingers and I let out a soft moan. He was going at a slow pace.
"What?" He questioned pulling away his lips from mine. "Please" I said as my nails dug into his skin.
"Are you okay?" He asked slowly down and nearly pulling out. "Keep going" I pleaded.
He began going at the same pace and my back arched slowly. "F-Fuck!" I moaned. I let out a loud sigh of relief and soft moans as I came undone.
"I know I know baby" he whispered in my ear as I came down from my high.
He pulled fingers out of me and smiled down at me.
I kissed him. "Your welcome" he said laughing a little. My hand trailed down his chest and I wrapped my hand around his cock and his hips bucked up into my hand. "We don't have too" he said.
"I want too" I said lining him up with my entrance.
Before I could sink down on him he flipped me over and climbed on top of me and kissed me. He slowly pushed into my core and rocking his hips in and out of me slowly. My breathing was heavy against his ear and my head was buried in his neck. I mumbled something into his neck. He pulled his face up so he could see mine as his orgasm rolled over him.
He was about to pull out.  My nails dug into his skin.
"Please- please- fuck" I breathed out.
He began pushing in and out of me and I felt him smile against my skin. He slowed down.
"Don't you dare fucking stop." I said quickly as I rolled us over gently so I was on top of him I lowered myself down, all the way.
"Holy shit" he moaned and his head was against the headboard and his hands rested on my hips. He grinds me down onto him and my mouth fell open.
I began moving my hips against him and my hands were in his hair. "Ruin me" I moaned in his ear.
He stilled my hips. "You sure?" He asked out of breath. "Absolutely positive" I nodded. He flipped me over so I was underneath of him. He pulled out and kissed me. "What do you want me to do?" He asked  whispered against my mouth.
"Ruin me" I whispered.
"I know you can be louder than that. I want to hear you. I want everybody to hear you" he said as he opened my legs and pinned them down.
"Ruin me. If you can" I laughed a little in his ear.
He pushed into me roughly. He raised his hips and dropped them back down into me.
"Holy shit right there" I breathed out. He picked up his pace.
"Louder." He groaned as he pounded into me again.
I let out a loud moan.
"Can I go all the way in?" He asked smirking.
I nodded. He pushed himself more in me so that he was balls deep, stretching out my core and every inch of me, my head spinning.
"I-I- can't take it your too- FUCK- big" I pleaded.
"Holy shit your fucking tight-"
He began slamming in and out of me repeatedly.
I was a mess. My back was arching, my nails were scratching frantically at his back, my legs were trembling, I was crying out his name.
"That's it"
"Just like that"
"Your doing so well for me"
"You love this don't you- of course you do- fucking slut" he moaned in my ear. I pulled on his hair and his hand trailed up my body and cupped my face.
"Holy shit- Parker what's that?" I breathed out in his ear. "Trust me" he smiled.
I went silent. Something inside of me snapped inside of me and my eyes rolled into back of my head and my... juices slowly began to cover us.
"I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm cumming" he pleaded before stopping and kissing me roughly as his hips still moved in and out of me. His hips stopped and he pulled out of me slowly.
We were both out of breath. "Are you okay?" He asked tracing my skin. His hand slowly spreading around my Juices on my thighs.
I laughed "what are you doing?" He didn't answer but he began kissing down my neck and all the way to between my legs.
"Parker I cant" I breathed out but was still needy.
He attached his mouth to my clit and my hands tugged at his hair and I pressed my hips into his face more. I let out long continuous moans.
"Holy shit I'm gonna- again- wait stop- shit I don't wanna do it on your face" I said trying not to moan.
"More" he said before going again. He had his arms wrapped around my thighs holding me against his mouth. My entire body shook as my orgasm rolled through me. I felt as if I was about to pass out. He left the room and came back and cleaned me- us up with a towel, he left again but came back with one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. I laughed a little. He was brushing his teeth and humming to music. I got up and got ready for bed. The next morning I woke up in his arms.

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