Parker booth - smut

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This is about the OLDER Parker.
I apologize for the spelling mistakes

It was prom night and me and Parker decided to just hangout at the dance because everybody had dates and we didn't. We got up and started dancing, as friends of course. I began to get more into the music and started grinding on Parker I didn't even realize what I was doing under he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around and lightly kissed me and we just walked out of the dance, got in the car and started driving. His hand was on my thigh getting increasingly higher evry second until his fingers slipped through the line of my underwear. He began to lightly massage my clit and I moaned softly.
He smirked and removed his hand from my underwear. I layed my hand on the back of his neck and began playing with his hair. Then slipped it down his chest and under his dress shirt feeling his abs along my fingers I was getting wetter by the second. We got to his house and kind of forgot that the entire squint squad was in the middle of a huge case and trying to solve it. We opened the side door and he planted kissed all down my neck as we walked up the stairs.
"Did that just happen?" Booth asked stunned.
"Way to go Parker" Angela said sipping wine.
We made our way up to his room still making out passionately. "Your lips taste amazing" he said between kisses. He sat on the bed and I slipped my dress over my head to reveal the black lace bra and thong I was glad I wore it even though it was just so I would feel hot at the dance. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room, I sat on his stomach while kissing him and undoing his pants and pulling them down including his underwear. His large swollen cock sprung out. I sat on his thighs as we roughly kissed. His hands roaming my body as he unclipped my bra and taking in the sight of my exposed chest. I sat up and took off my thong.
He flipped is over so I was underneath him and he pushed his cock into me. We moaned in complete bliss. I love the way he fills every inch of me.
He began rocking his hips in and out of me slowly and I was letting out soft moans. He stopped for a second and I was confused but then he thrusted his dick into me hard and fast, I moaned loudly.
He began slamming into me hitting everywhere I needed him. My hands went into his hair as I tugged and he groaned. My arm wrapped around his back and my nails digging into his skin. He leant down and kissed me. He whispered sweet nothing into my ear. I felt a pit growing in my stomach as my moans became increasingly louder. He stopped again.
He put my legs over his shoulders and thrusted into me allowing him to hit me at a new angle.
"PARKER FUCK" I moaned. My legs slowly slipped down his shoulders but he held them open.
Clenching the sheets with my fists as I screamed about to cum. His thrust became sloppy but rough but I was seconds away from my orgasm when he pulled out. "Parker what the hell!?" I said.
He sat down and pulled me into his lap and began thrusting upwards into me. I was moaning already.
My hands were on his shoulders for support as I bounced up and down on his thick cock. He flipped us over still thrusting into me and I screamed my orgasm rolling through me as I was screaming.
He pulled out and came all over my stomach as he moaned loudly. He rolled off me and lays beside me.
We were both out of breath and covered in sweat.
I began to sit up about to go to the bathroom to clean up when he pulls me back down and I look at him comfused as he began eating me out like there's no tomorrow. My hands wrapped in his hair, due to the fact that I was denied three orgasm,just came and it was my first time I began to fell tears form in my eyes as I wrapped my legs around his head screaming. Tears fell from my eyes, tears of pleasure.
"Oh fuck- just like that- just like that- oh god,oh god,oh god- FUCK PARKER" I screamed as I came undone all over his face. He licked his lips clean.
"I'll be right back" he said as he wrapped a towel form his shower earlier around his waist and walked down stairs to the living room to get a 'face' cloth out of the folded laundry and everybody stared at him
In shock.
"You know we heard al do that right?" Angela said smirking.
"Oh uh- we were just- doing- homework." He said making up an excuse and failing miserably.
He forgot that he was covered in hickeys and his back was covered in scratches.
"Parker you can't just do something like that and not talk to me first I need you to be safe with this kind of thing-" booth was saying as Parker just left and walked up the stairs without saying a word.
He cleaned you up and you spent the night cuddling and watching movies. The next morning you woke up and were asleep on Parker cuddling. You felt safe and smiled. He woke up slowly and you both walked down stairs in sweats and hoodies as you ate breakfast while everybody continued to stare at you guys. You noticed and got uncomfortable you felt- almost ashamed and used. "I have to go." You said as you got up amd left nearly crying. "The hell- Y/N!" He chased after you and pulled you into a hug and you guys sat there and hugged. You began to cry.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of kissed you and-" you kissed him to make him stop talking and just cried exposing how they made you uncomfortable and full of regret.
He calmed yiu down and you yawned. You guys agreed to go back into the house and you walked past everybody without saying anything and flipped on the couch Parker flopping on top of you.
- Y/N POV -

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