Wendell & hodgins headcanons!

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( I'm sorry)
-would take like two years to make a move but when one of them did OHHHH
-it started off as a
"dudes got to help each other out" thing till they kissed while one of them gave the other a handjob. They literally FROZE and then just made out against the wall.
-after Hodgins accident he called Wendell and they just sat there holding each other.
-they continued to sleep together once every few months when Hodgins and Angela got together.
- "this is wrong" "then stop"
- has had sex in the lab.
- the night they got snowed in at the lab Hodgins fell asleep on Wendell.
- would constantly tell them selves it's just
"Being there for a friend"
- when Wendell got cancer things kinda stopped for awhile
- when Wendell met Andy (btw I LOVE her) Wendell cut it off. When Hodgins asked why he said "I think you know why"

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