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This is a short imagine about if you were booth and brennans kid and they found out you snuck out!
I'm using she/her pronouns for this btw!!
Also this is strongly based if of 90s movies and how y/n acts is based on those types of movies
Request for theoutsiderslover14


It was 2 AM in the morning. I slowly open my window and climbs inside. I got undressed and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and went to the Jeffersonian after taking the bus.

*they talk about a case for awhile*
'Yeah anyways, any plans this weekend?'
'No but Y/N is going to her friends house for the night'
'She's not grounded?!'
'No why would she be grounded??'
At this point the entire squint squad is looking at us.
'Because she snuck out'
'What?! no. Y/N wouldn't sneak out!'
'Last night I drove past your place cause I was headed to the office cause I couldn't sleep and she was climbing through her window with the help of some ... (guy/girl/friend)'
'Are you sure?'
'Why would she do that. She could have just asked us! When I was younger I never snuck out I would just ask!'
- later that night -
The entire day my mom was giving me weird looks and my dad kept telling me stories from when he was a kid. I don't really think anything of it though.
We pulled into the driveway and I went to open my door but it was locked.
'Can u unlock it?' I asked.
'Y/N stop. We know you snuck out last night'
'What! No I didn't!' I protested clearly lying.
'Why wouldn't you just ask us?' My mom began before she was cut off by my dad.
'Where were you and where did you go?'
I sighed. 'I went to a party'
'Who's party?'
'Who's Kyle?'
'A senior he invited me, we have English together'
'You take English with a senior?' My mom said curious.
'Woah woah! Back up you went to a seniors party and didn't even bother to tell anyone! Do you know what could of happened!' Booth said getting angry.
'I'm sorry it won't happen again!' I riled my eyes and
Pulled up the lock of the door with my hand.
Before I could close it my dad said..
'Your not going to F/N this weekend. Your grounded. Give me your phone.'
'WHAT for how long??'
'2 weeks.' My suggested.
'Oh my god! I went to one party! I knew you wouldn't of let me go! Maybe if you didn't insist on knowing every detail about my life I would have asked.' I stated tossing my phone I got eh front seat and slamming the door.
They got out of the car and began practically running after me. I stepped inside and slammed the door but my dad caught it before it closed.
'Don't slam doors!'
'Okay don't slam my social life up my ass for being a normal teenager for once!!' I yelled stomping up the stairs and slamming my door.
I scoffed in disbelief as I looked into the living room to see everybody. Shit. It's game night.
'What was that all about?' Hodgins asked.
'Y/N snuck out' Booth said taking his gun off his belt.
'Where did she go?' Aubrey asked.
'Kyles party.' Booth replied.
'Who's Kyle?' Cam asked confused.
'Kyle is a senior in high school, he takes English with Y/N and invited her to his party' brennan said sitting down.
-Around 10 minutes later-
I walked down the stairs to get snacks and everybody looked at me. We have a snacks bin that comes out for game night.
I walked into the living room and began going through it. I opened a bag of chips. Everybody was still staring at me.
'Okay?' I replied sitting down.
Thank you so much for requesting!!!

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