You surprise finn at work

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Sorry for spelling mistakes I made this half asleep
Me and Finn and long distance, hav been for nearly 7 months now because of college. He was working at the Jeffersonian again today.
I walked onto the platform and the alarm for it went off. I froze "I did it know it did that sorry" I laughed.
"Who are you?" Hodgins asker confused but laughing a little. "I'm Finn's girlfriend Y/N" I responded. He immediately set down the evidence and practically tore off his gloves.
"I gotta say the whole helping catch serial killers thing is kinda hot-" I said laughing but I was cut off when Finn kissed me roughly and his hands snaked around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck.
"What are you doing here?!" He said out of breath and smiling.
"Saying hi and your neighbour mr greenwood is kinda creepy" I smiled and now wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Oh yeah! This is my girlfriend Y/N" he said realizing they still had no idea who I was.
"Nice to meet you finally Y/N" Angela said smiling.
"Are you and Finn long distance?" Cam asked.
"Yeah I go to Boston university but I take in person classes and Finn transferred to Washington state after his what 2nd year?" I explained.
Little did I know that in 2 years nearly to the day me and Finn would be standing behind the Jeffersonian in the same spot Brennan got married but this time it wasn't Brennan and booths wedding, it was ours.

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