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I'm a physiatrist at a phych ward in Washington DC and I have a patient named zack who is hear because he confessed to helping a serial killer.. I know that he didn't do it but I can't explain how.
I often find myself think about him or sitting against the door of his room, half the time I'm not even doing anything.
We were sitting in a session one day and he looks at me and says "I didn't do it"
"I know"
"I know." I said and grabbed a file from my bag, evidence that he didn't do it.
"Why would you do this for me?"
I didn't say anything but I smiled.
Less than a month later zack was released and he came by my office later that same day.
I opened the door and he was smiling which I found odd because it was raining and he was drenched and in his pyjamas.
I hadn't stopped thinking about him and I didn't think I ever would.
'Zack what are you doing here?-" I asked smiling but was cut off when he kissed me and pushed me against the wall which somehow he still made gentle.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him.
He really was stronger than he looked.
He didn't stopped kissing me as we were in my bed, it was almost like he couldn't. He pulled off the t-shirt that I slept in and began kissing down my neck.
Within minutes we were both naked and he was on top of me. He slowly pushed into me and was now rocking in and out of me with passion and.. desperation. I was struggling to kiss him back and his hand was on my neck desperately pulling me into him. He flipped us over so I was on top but he wouldn't stop holding me as close as possible to him.

I woke up with someone's arms around me and a loud knock on the door.
I smiled and kissed zacks cheek and he woke up when the knocking continued. I got up and put zacks shirt on from the night before and opened the door to see none other then agent booth,Aubrey,hodgins,Angela,brennan and cam.
"Uh hey what are you doing here?" I asked.
"We haven't seen Zack since he was released, he said he had something he needed to do and left"
Hodgins explained.
"He's probably at the bank or his mothers grave paying respects" I rambled on.
"Hey guys" he said casually wearing his pyjamas again (GREY SWEATS AND SHIRTLESS COMBO)

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