Why they chose the job

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Wanted to protect his mom and himself from his step dad and he thought the only way he would be able to do that would be kill him and get away with it but before juvy he was DETERMINED to know how to make a suicide look like a murder and from his stepdad. He would have killed himself to protect his mom, she died before he could tell her that he got in.

Wendell: originally wanted to go to school to be a teacher OR to study cancer (because of his dad)
But chose forensic anthropology because he could hardly think about his dad dying without breaking down in tears.

Jessica: she thought it was cool and wanted to work throughout college before going to fashion school (icon)

Daisy: to be quickly and too sound smart at doctor's appointments

Angela: was an artist and then it just kind of happened

Brennan: chose it when she was 15 and was determined.

Hodgins: thought it was cool and growing up he don't have many friends and his family neglected him so he played with animals and outside a lot

Booth: to not be anything like his dad or great grandfather and to protect people

Aubrey: watched James Bond 1 too many times and to protect himself from his dad.

Cam: originally wanted to be a surgeon but fell in love with it

Zack: read doctor Brennan books (is also a total nerd)

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