Daring finn abernathy headcanons

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-L.O.V.E.S cuddling with you.

-he always has to be touching you.(holding
hands,hand in waist, hand on thigh)

-every two months or so he writes you a letter and there's always a letter on the back and you thought nothing of it but when you guys have been dating for 2 and a half years he asks you to turn over the letters in order and it says will you marry me and he reads out the letter that he just wrote you. <3

-matching pajamas

-baking together

-you have a handshake

-hodgins calls him a simp.

- whenever your mad at him you say "pipe down lover boy"

-showers together

-he is stupidly funny.

-take you to blue grass concerts.


-he is the first to apologize after fights.


-he would do rodeos on his time off and is really
good at it.

-you wear his hats,hoodies

-you guys would have matching necklaces.


-loves when you play with his hair.

-HORNY 24/7

-LOTS OF SEX anytime anywhere I mean it's happened in the shower,the kitchen,Finn's truck,your parents house,a plane on the way to a case,the lab,the bone room,a hot tub. The point is you guys have a very active sex life.

-he talks about to hodgins/Angela.

-he told his mom about you after the first date.

-he's a dog person but LOVES cats too.

-he naps. All the time.

-your eachothers lock screens.

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