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-your name is or in and your Wendell's little sister and faint at the lab-

I was minding my business writing down where and what type of fractures around the body, it was a 24 year old male by the name of Andrew foley.
He was found on a highway so he was pretty beat up.
I began to feel light headed but thought nothing of it I kept working and turned on the system to clean the bones. I began separating and cleaning them all I was about to clean the mandible when I felt blood rush to my head and I felt like I was going to throw up then.. everything went black and I fell backwards.
Grabbing the metal tray in hopes to catch myslef it didn't exactly work out to well because it came down with me.
My brother wendell amd the entire squint squad and booth of course. We're talking and not paying attention when wendell saw me.
"robin! What the hell are you okay!?" He asked frantically checking to see if I was dead (a total panick move) my eyes fluttered opened and everybody was kneeling around me asking if I was okay. "I'm fine" I said sitting up and pulling myself up. "Are you sure?!" Wendell questions protectively.
"Yeah I was just dehydrated don't worry about".
my head hurt like hell. And I put my hand on the back of my head and it was covered in blood.
What the hell is happening to me, I thought. My nose began to bleed and wiped the sleeve of my lab coat on it confused. "Yeah no go home you can have the day off" cam said worriedly. "What, can this is a new case she can't just leave because of a head injury!" Brennan argued. "She's going home suck it up" wendell said pulling me down the stairs gently.
He drove me home and made sure that I ate and had water I had a doctors appointment the next day to make sure I didn't have a concussion.
Today was odd.
Request for @charlewinchester this was so fun to write! Requests are always open!

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