Promts (wendell)

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They fall asleep on you -
"Come here" he smiled as you walk towards him, he's on the couch at the lab and it's around midnight.
"What are you doing here?"
"Brining you Chinese food and a vanilla milkshake from the diner"
He fell asleep not even 20 minutes later, he was laying with his head on your chest and In your neck while his hand rested on your stomach.
"We should go home"
"You are home" he smiled and you felt it against your skin.

The first "I love you" -
You worked at the lab together and while dropping something off at his desk quickly while the rest of the squint squad talked about the case they were working.
"Oh hey, thanks" he smiled.
You smiled and said without thinking
"Ok bye love you"
"Bye I love you too" he smiled liked a dork and then he said it later while walking past you, he couldn't stop staying it.

Your guys "thing" -
High fives BUT air high fives when you not next to each other.

If they want kids -
1000% wants kids. He wants a girl and a boy but would be happy with anything.

"do you think I'm a good person" -
He would randomly wake you up on accident because he would be tossing and turning.
"What's wrong"
He would lay directly on top of you causing you to laugh a little.
"Do you think I'm a good person"
"What? Of course you are Wendell"
"I've been thinking about... stuff"
"What kind of stuff?"
"I don't remember crying at my dad's funeral."
"What do you- what?" I turned on the lamp.
"does it make me a bad person. I can't remember crying at my dad's funeral. I remember every moment of it but I cant remember actually crying, I stood there in silence and didn't cry"
"Wendell you were 9. Your dad had just passed away. There is no specific way your meant to react to something like that."
Wendell had never really cried in front of you before but when he shuddered slightly and he pulled me closer, I pulled the blanket up and kissed his forehead.
They cry in front of you

They have a nightmare-
He woke up in the middle of the night snd shook me awake gently, I sat up slowly and turned on the lamp.
"Can you hold my hand" he whispered.
I grabbed his hand slowly because I was tired and he fell back asleep almost instantly. The next morning when I woke up he was still holding my hand.
"Sorry about last night I had a nightmare" he laughed a little.
Holding hands while sleeping has become a habit,

They or you have scars -
They :
He wouldnt want to take off his shirt or if they were on his thighs he would only like having sex in the dark. He would also insist that it was okay that he went down on you practically everyday but you haven't gave him head once.
wouldn't actually talk about it. You had a shower together and you were about to ask but he said
"just ignore them" and continued washing your hair.
You :
He would ask if you were okay once he seen them and would buy a book called "helping people who struggle with addiction" and read it before bed.

They or you have a panic attack -
They :
Would be really freaked out at first cause he doesn't have them often but would just want sleep. If you were on a road trip or something he would ask to switch places so you could drive and just hold your hand while he slept.

You :
He would just hug you, he would know before you even said anything.

They or you is in a bad place -
They :
He would want to talk about it but also would deny that he needs help.

You :
He would be the most supportive person ever and would insist on you seeing sweets once a week.

Spicy stuff:
How they like it -
Sensual and slow but also kinky ish

What they want you to do to them -
Loves when your on top, and face riding. Would have a thing for light choking.

What they want to do to you -
Would love to finger you.

Their dirty secret -
He would have a total kink for spanking you.

The first time -
It would be really really good. You both finished but he was kind of embarrassed because he
"Wanted it to last longer" but you laughed and said it was fine and that it was great.

Middle of the night -
He would wake you up gently and be sweet at first but you both would never sleep that night.

What they like to be called -
"Baby" but also just by his name.

Kinks -
Hair pulling(you pulling his) , LIGHT choking SPANKING (spontaneous) 

pegging -
100% yes but would hate when you "go hard" he likes it softer. His favourite thing would hands down be a hand/blow job while you fuck him with a toy. Is VERY shy about it.
Ass or tits. -
he loves both but if he had to choose between would choose tits.

How you met -
Working at the lab or you've known each other for YEARS

What's their favourite song -
Sparks fly by Taylor swift.

What movie would they watch A-LOT -
500 days of summer but is embarrassed about it but would also watch the office ALOT

favourite colour and why -
Blue because it was his dad's favourite.

Their sense of humour -
Very immature and would CRY at dad jokes

What did they want to be when they were a kid -
Wanted to be an astronaut when he was like 5 but always wanted to be a teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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