Finn abernathy - smut

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(Kinky) (sorry for spelling mistakes)

We were sitting the couch and Finn was stressed over work.
"THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE" Finn yelled as he slammed case file down in rage and threw his head back before he could say anymore i I threw my leg over him and straddled him pressing my hips down roughly. His head shot up and he just looked at me in a way I'd never seen before he was.. begging. I pulled my shirt over my head pulled down my shorts took off my bra and underwear leaving me completely naked. I pulled his shirt off as I was kissing his neck. His hands slid down to my ass giving it a tight squeeze.  I began kissing down his chest and got on my knees infront of him. I slipped off his pants and underwear taking the tip in my mouth. Swirling around the tip and taking him in my mouth to the point where my nose was pressed against his stomach and he threw his head back and moaned. His hips bucked into my mouth and I began bobbing my head up and down he finished weather fast considering have We never done anything like this. His cum went down my throat and I stood up and sat on his thighs.
"Use me" I said smirking against his lips.
He lined himself up with me and just began pounding up into me quickly. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me while I fucked him. He was moaning into my ear lowly and I was screaming as I I threw my head back.  I was moving my hips up and down and grinding into him roughly. My hands wrapped into his hair and pulled harshly.
He came inside of me moaning my name.
I kept riding him and wrapped my hand around his throat kissing his neck. "Good boy" I whispered in his ear and he let out a loud moan and came deep inside of me.  I was so focused on him and not the fact that I was so sensitive because I came 3 times.
He held my hips down and started grinding my hips down. "That's it use me" I hummed.
He stopped and gripped my hips as he began moving my hips in circles. And I cried at the new feeling.
He pulled me off of him and I  began eating me out insanely fast. I screamed as I came undone and sat back on his lap. Riding him gently. It wasn't like before this was gentle and loving. Tears formed in his eyes. I looked at him worried and wiped them with my thumbs kissing him gently.
"Are you okay?" I asked gently. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to a stop.
He moaned gently. He didn't answer and I sped up my pace and was on the edge when I pulled Finn's hair and smiled as my orgasm ripped through me. Despite the fact that I was about to be to the point where I couldn't walk I kept riding finn. "Please" "please wha-" I was cut off when he moaned in my ear and his body jolted as he came undone for the 5th time that night,he threw his head back and moaned my name as the grip on his hips tightened and.. hot tears rolled down his cheeks slowly,crying from pleasure. I got off of him and kissed his cheek.
I pulled my underwear and pyjamas back on and put on Finn's hoodie,he put his underwear and seats and a hoodie on as well.
"Relaxed?" I questioned with a little laugh.
"I should be mad more often if that's how it turns out" finn smiled .I smiled "what time is it anyway?"
I asked and finn was about to look at the clock when his phone rang; confused he picked it up "hello?" Finn said out of breath "okay on my way" and he hung up. "I have a case" he laughed,he stood up and went to the other room quickly showering and getting dressed. "What happened to this guy"
"He was found- in a sex toy shop" he said laughing.
I laughed my ass off. "How am I supposed to get through the day when I haven't slept,just had sex for 3 hours straight and this guy was found in a SEX TOY SHOP" Finn laughed. "Just do what you always do, think of me when your stressed" "if I think of you when I'm stressed I'll get hard. At work." He said. "Fair enough"
I got into bed and pulled the covers over me as Finn was getting ready. I nearly fell asleep right then but he leant down and kissed my cheek "thank you,I love you,I'll see you later bubs" and he left.

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