Finn smut

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We were making out on his bed. He had a really rough couple weeks with work, a pelant case to be exact. It ended up with the entire squint squad and their family's staying in a huge safe house together.
I stopped kissing him and pulled my shirt over my head and kissed him again as I straddled him. Soon enough we were naked and I was underneath of him. I flipped us over so he was against the headboard and I straddled him. "Let it out" "w-what?" "I want to let it all out" I said before sinking down onto him.
He moaned softly. "What do you mean?" He breathed out. I didn't say anything I just kissed him deeply as I lifted myself up and set myself back down. "Let me make you feel good" I whispered in his ear as I began rocking my hips onto him.
My hands were on the side of his face and his arms wrapped around me loosely.
"I'm so proud of you baby" I said speeding up my movements. "I take you so well" I moaned softly.
His eyes shut and his mouth closed tightly.
I moved my hand from his shoulder and moved it to his face gently and ran my fingers over his lips.
He let out a long breath as his mouth and eyes opened. I gently pulled on his hair and let out a choked moan. "Let it all out" "I want to hear you" I said kissing him gently. I lifted myself up and slid down into him. He gasped.
I lifted myself up again and dropped.
"Fuck" he said.
I did it again.
Again but faster.
I did again but this time grinding my hips at the end.
"Oh fuck! Faster" he moaned.
I began moving faster and faster against him.
Hadn't realized that I had already finished twice.
His arms wrapped more tightly around me and he threw his head back. His breathing was heavy and uneven and he was moaning louder and louder.
His hips slowly starting bucking up into me.
"Oh fuck right there" I moaned, it was the first time that he found THE spot.
His moans got increasingly louder.
"Don't stop"
"Please don't stop"
"I'm so close"
Left his lips almost in begs.
"Oh my god"
"Please Finn I'm so close"
"I wanna feel you"
"Oh fuck!"
"Right there right there"
I moaned in his ear.
I pulled on his hair harshly and he let out a loud moan.
"That's it, good boy" I softly moaned in his ear while grinding my hips on him continuously. I cupped his face and kissed him. He stopped kissing me back.
I pulled my face away from his just enough to see his, my hips slowed. He was biting his bottom lip trying not to make a sound. He threw his head back.
"Fuck fuck fuck- oh fuck- shit!" He moaned in my ear as he moved my hips against him faster...

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