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Prompt - if everybody found out that you and Parker went on a Special 'walk'.
This is a request made by theoutsiderslover14
They write great stuff! You should go check them out!
———————————————————————————Y/N POV
Me and Parker had just went on a 'walk' also known as getting high but it was thanksgiving and the squints were over. We stepped inside the house and everybody was gathered and already eating dinner.
"Where were you two!" Booth asked a little mad we missed the start of thanksgiving.
"We were on - a walk" I said nodding.
"Why didn't you call and tell us you'd be late?" Brennan asked confused but still eating.
"Phones.. dead" Parker said nodding.
We sat down and started eating well not really eating we were staring off into space and laughing.
"Christine,hank,Michael Vincent go upstairs and bring down your finger painting stuff" booth said sternly and the kids hurried off smiling.
"Are you guys stoned?" Booth asked trying not laugh a little.
"hey hey hey wait what No. that is just-"
"Rude Anfd stupid because WE do not-"
"Smoke! No way hose. Okay OKAY we are sober asa fucking.!? What's it called"
"A judge! We are sober as judges. So that is just- not
Actually scientifical-ist correct OKAY"
We said switching back and forth between laughs.
"What the hell were you two thinking!"
"We weren't? The fuck.. who do you think we are" I said laughing. We got a long lecture about how this was bad and how it effects are brains than got sent up to his and we ended up falling asleep. We both got grounded for 3 weeks. Worth it tho.

I had so much fun writing this! I love requests!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes

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