Bonus Chapter - Mason

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Rapidly turning, pain rushed through my body on impact as if I have just been hit by a brick wall. Stumbling backwards my brick wall reached out with a tattooed arm to steady me.

"Rosen?" I heard my wall say as he lifted my chin to look at him.

"Rosen, I'm so sorry." Mason said, bending down to pick up my phone "Are you okay?"

I did not know if I had a concussion, if I was hallucinating but a lean, muscular, caramel skinned, hazel-green eyed, beautiful creature stood before me.

"Rosen?" He spoke with waving his hand in front me.

"Mason? Yeah, I'm okay." I shook my head still not sure if he was real or not. Slightly off his shoulder Dylan rushed over to me, pulling me into a hug, still in shock I hugged him back.

"Kelly, how have you been? You look amazing by the way. A bit too amazing but we'll ignore that for now." Dylan said lowering me to my feet before turning to his friend.

Slapping Mason's shoulder "It's Kelly."

Mason smirked. "Yeah, I can see that."

"Bro, that's crazy. We were just talking about you." Dylan seemed overly happy and not matching Mason's nor my expression.

"Uhm okay then." I said, for the sake of not having anything better to say.

"Kelly! Oh my word, Kelly. We have a room here-"

"We do?" Mason asked cutting Dylan off.

"Yes, we do. Remember? The room. That we have." He answered really weirdly, as if to convince Mason. "We have a room and we were just about to head to it, so what about we all head to the room and have a bit of a catch up. Y'all just have to give me a minute. I just have to go to the bathroom but spoke while I'm gone." He said before running off.

Mason and I both looked stunned by what just happened but we just laughed it off.

Mason moved in closer to avoid screaming over the music "I'm sorry about that."

"It's cool, don't worry about it. Uhm.. I am here with some friends but I don't mind if we speak." I said before stepping out to the side to introduced him to the dancers that I was with.

Dylan came back and stood right on top of Mason, speaking in his ear before walking away. What is happening right now?

Dylan left and Mason lead me to the entrance way before speaking "So Dylan's meeting up with someone really quickly but we can head up to the room, if you want to."


Was this a good idea? Maybe not but what's the worst that could happen, it's Mason. Actually, this seem like something all the females say before they end up on forensic files but seriously though, it's Mason and my friends knew where I was. Well, kind of. They knew I was in a room in the hotel, just not which room nor which floor but it was in the hotel.

We headed up to the seventh floor, into a room overlooking the Miami beach ocean and I could only imagine what it would look like at sunrise. I sat down on the table, desk, counter like thing across from the bed and he sat on the bed facing me.


"So.." I repeated.

"How you doing?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good." He said.

Why was this so awkward?

"It's been about a year since we really spoke." He said.

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