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Morning doesn't come soon enough for me. I spent most of the night tossing and turning, worried about what state Ethan is going to be in when we find him.

After showering, putting on some fresh clothes and dry shoes, I head downstairs where the house staff has an elaborate breakfast waiting for us. A breakfast full of strawberries, raspberries, grapes, bacon, eggs, sausage, rice, and toast.

I'm halfway through my plate when Lucas and Eden come up for air. And judging but the smiles permanently etched on their faces, it doesn't take a genius to guess how their night was spent.

Well... that and the fact that Lucas can't seem to keep his hands off her.

I'm guessing all is forgiven.

"Where are the others? We should leave ASAP."

"And we will." Lucas shoots me a look. "I know you're anxious to find Ethan, and so are we, but we're going to need rest to be on our 'A' game."

"I doubt what you and Eden did last night counts as rest."

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Ew. No. But it's almost nine, and Eden hasn't even combed her hair or touched up those bags underneath her eyes yet. Which is a dead giveaway."

"Bitch." Eden gawks at me. Offended. "You know what? Let's just go get the others so we can hurry and find Ethan. You know... before little miss SpongeBob cranky ass pants over there bites someone else's head off."

"Or kill another one of her alleged friends." Lucas adds.

"Whatever." I glower at them both. "I'll be in the damn car."

Lucas and Eden leave to gather the others and I climb into Lucas' car to wait. Which ends up being the longest fifteen minutes of my life. Because every moment they take could be a moment Ethan doesn't have. And I'm angry because I feel like they're dragging their feet.

When they finally make it out to the cars, I'm so antsy I can't stop shaking my leg. Which drives Lucas crazy. But he says nothing. And an hour later we're sitting outside the Hunt Syndicate's territory, watching Lycan's come and go, hoping to find the one who will lead us to Ethan.

Hours pass with no sign of the guy with the tattoo on his neck. I'm about to give up and call it a night when he finally walks out of what looks like a nightclub to smoke a cigarette.

"That's him!" I shout. Startling Lucas, Eden, and Tristan awake. "That guy right there."

"Good." Lucas stretches his arms and legs. Cracking his neck for good measure. "Let's go get him."

We all climb out of the car, and while Lucas and Tristan give their friends the lowdown, I take a moment to apologize to Eden.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about your dad. I should've. And I don't really have a good reason for why I never did."

"Apology excepted," she smiles. Pulling me into a hug. "If these past months have taught me anything, it's that I need you in my life. And so does Ethan. Because as messed up as our little makeshift family is, we always have each other's backs. Now come on... let's go find my brother."

Having dealt with yet another one of my problems, I'm able to breathe a little easier. We walk over to stand in line at the club and the bouncer lets Celeste, Eden, and I in without so much as a cover charge or a backward glance at our fake ID's.

The boys aren't so lucky.

Not only do they have to pay, but they're also forced to wait outside an hour longer.

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