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Still consumed by the memory and intensity of the love I felt from him, my heart aches. But the crumbling ceiling above me finally steals my attention away from my aching heart. Throwing a shield over my head, I soar upwards into the sky to search the ground for a fleeing homicidal father/daughter duo.

I spot them not too far from the building I was trapped in and head them off. Causing them to stagger backwards as I stalk towards them.

"Ali, don't!" Lucas calls out to me. Holding his hands up in the air so I know he means me no harm.

He places himself between his father, sister, and me. Hoping to stay my hand. But every ounce of power I have inside me craves to kill him.

"Did you do this?" I ask Lucas.

"Do what?"

"Have you been helping him?"

"What? Ali, I wouldn't do that to you." He assures me. "I-"

Lucas stops talking and his eyes go wide. A moment later, blood pools from his mouth and he drops to his knees. Meanwhile, Kira stands behind him, a smug smile on her face, and her hand on the hilt of an angelic sword.

I don't know if it was my screams that started it all, or Eden's, but all at once, agony ripped through me as all hell broke loose around me.

Scooping Lucas up into my arms, I cradle him while Eden collides into Kira with the force of a tornado. Ripping and tearing at everything she can get her hands on like a rabid animal wishing to demolish its prey.

Meanwhile, Lucifer stands over me. A conflicted look on his face as he stares down at his dying son.

"I'm going to kill you." I tell him.

"Not in this lifetime I'm afraid."

He turns to leave when Eli collides into him, claws and fangs bared, and sinks his teeth into Lucifers neck. The two of them go careening off to the side where I can't see them, and I turn my attention back to Lucas.

"You better not die douchebag." I tell him.

He chuckles and a spurt of blood shoots from his mouth onto his face.

"It's sexy douchebag to you," he says between labored breaths. Wincing when he tries to smile or laugh.

"I hope you weren't attached to your sister. There may not be much to her left once Eden gets done with her." I tease.

"The bitch deserves to die." He replies. "She's been trying to kill me since the day I was born. It looks like this time she's succeeded."

"No," I refuse to accept his words. "Lucas, you can't die. Who's going to be here to help Eden raise your son?"

Lucas' face pales. It's the only tell I have that he had no clue Eden was pregnant.

She hasn't told him.

"She's pregnant?" Horror at leaving her alone and sadness washes over his face. "How far along?"

"You can ask her once you've healed and you're on your feet again." I tell him.

"I'm dying, Ali-Cat. There's no coming back from this I'm afraid."

"I've already told you... you can't die. So, don't you dare leave me here in the messed up world without you. I need your stupid smile, and your arrogance, and your average six pack."

"Oh come on," he laughs. More blood spurting from his mouth. "My abs are fucking fantastic."

I laugh as more tears pour from my eyes. Dropping onto his handsome face.

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