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It takes hours to find the right frequency for the power lacing our cells. But I'd need more power than I have to be able to unlock them all at once. And until I can, we're stuck in this hellhole. With the family from said hell torturing my family and friends.

Every day, at the same time, I'm taken from my cell and marched down to the same altar. And each time I awaken back in my cell with Lexie and Eden. My power drained a little, but none the worse for wear. From what I can tell.

It's a ritual that makes Lexie more and more uncomfortable because we have no idea what they've been doing to me once I black out.

She's not the only one who has grown nervous over my blackouts. Kyle, Lucas, my grandfather, and the Asher's also express their concerns. The next time they come to retrieve me, I get the feeling that something has changed, and my mind races with the possibilities. But the one I keep coming back to is I've felt no more earthquakes or tremors since the last time I saw Ethan, which gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Is he even still alive?

Has he escaped?

Zayd and Zola motion for me to walk to the front of my cell, but I notice Tristan isn't amongst them. They aren't bothering to make me compliant.

Do they know I still have my power and their attempts to take it away from me have been futile?

"Can I help you?" I ask. Staring them both down.

"We just need you to listen." Zayd answers.

Seconds later, Kyle's screams pierce the air and I lock hate-fill eyes on them both.

"Don't give us that look," Zola blinks innocent eyes at me. "Do as we say, and no harm will come to him. But if you should decide to get any bright ideas, he will pay the price for it. And he will pay handsomely. Got it?"

Annoyed, I give a curt nod. Then the sinister smile on Zola's face disappears, followed by the sweet, I'm too cute, young, and innocent to be a psychopathic maniac look.

"Follow us." Zayd unlocks my cell and opens the door.

I do as I'm told because I have no idea what they've done with my brother. Nor what they plan to do. And until I can figure a way out of this, I must comply with what they want.

We make our way back to the altar, where I'm strapped down once more, only this time is different. I'm wide awake, and aware of everything.

"What is this?" I ask.

"We need you to siphon yourself." Zayd tells me.


"Below you is a crypt. And inside the crypt is someone who is very dear to us. Only, she's been cursed and only a Siphoner can release her from her curse. A powerful siphoner."

"And you think that's me?" I huff an amused laugh. "My grandfather is a hell of a lot stronger than I am. You should've saved yourself the trouble and had him do whatever this is."

"You're wrong." Zayd replies.

The nerve of this draganhole.

"I'm pretty sure I'd know better than anyone what I'm capable of." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Really?" He smiles smugly at me. "Because you've been living with her inside you for the past three years and you have yet to realize it. I mean... I guess you're half right. You're powerful because of her. Because she lends you her power. And without her, you'd be the same snot-nosed kid I ran into all those years ago."

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