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Unwavering in his strength and conviction, my grandfather stands before us. A single, solitary beacon of light, hope, and strength. He's brave, valiant, and he has more faith in us than we do in ourselves. Which is why I am determined not to let him down. I don't care who or what is coming for me, but I'll be damned if they take anyone else from me. And the looks on my friends' faces tells me they feel the same way. The only thing missing from this moment is the 'Eye of the Tiger' song playing in the background.

"Do not leave my side." Ethan tells me. "No matter what comes."

"The same goes for you too." I smirk.

Shaking his head, Ethan turns back around to face the approaching army that has gathered here to come get little old me. Which makes me wonder why I'm so special.

Zayd leads the way, spearheading this invasion onto my grandfather's property while sporting a smug smile on his beautifully brutal face. Once he's mere feet from us, he lifts a single fist and everyone under his command comes to a screeching halt. Daemons, witches, and Lycan's alike. With Vivienne's brother Lamont, The Lycan Prince Jasper, and Lucas by his side.

I don't know about the other evil firstborns, but Lucas has never been one to take orders from anyone. So my gaze lingers on him longer than the others. Long enough for me to catch the fact that he's twirling the promise ring he gave to Eden around his pinky finger.

"Where is Eden?" Ethan's lethal gaze lands on Lucas. "Is my sister still alive, Lucas?"

Lucas meets his gaze, but he doesn't answer him. Which does nothing but amplify the fury I feel burning inside my mate.

This isn't going to end well for anyone if Ethan's temper reaches a critical level. And one of the quickest ways to get there is to either mess with his mate or his family.

"You should be less worried about your sister, and more worried about the threat standing before you." Lamont tells him.

"Threat?" Ethan scoffs. Amused. "That's adorable."

"Enough of the idle chit-chat." Zayd sighs. Bored with the conversation. "I just want Alison. Give her to me and the rest of you can go."

"And I want your head. Whether it is attached to your body or not. Though I'd be willing to grant the person mercy who felt inclined to sever it from your neck."

"What do you want from her anyway?" Kyle asks.

Zayd shifts his gaze to Kyle. His expression going from annoyed to intrigued. He practically salivates at the sight of my brother, and I grab him by the wrist to pull him back toward me.

"More Siphoners." His eyes practically sparkle with glee. Shifting from Kyle to the other siphoners rallying behind me. Then his head whips in my direction and he tells me. "You never told me there were so many of you."

"Does it matter how many there are?" I scowl at him.

"Actually... it does." He rakes his eyes over me. Earning a death stare from Ethan. Then he commands, "Capture the siphoners and kill the rest."

Several Lycan's step forth to attack and in the blink of an eye, their throats are ripped out.

I didn't even see Ethan move...

Yet here he stands, sucking his bloodstained fingertips like it's just another murderous day in the neighborhood. All lethal, predatorily graceful inch of him.

"You're going to pay for that corpse!" Lycan Prince Jasper growls.

"No." Ethan shakes his head as if his intent is absolute. "You're all going to die."

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