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Kyle calls out Lexie's name, but it's too late. She, my grandfather, Celeste, and several members of both the Syth and the Syndicate is now gone. Having vanished into thin air with Zayd and his army. To face death if I do not deliver myself to him.

"I'm going to kill him." Kyle's chest heaves up and down. "What the hell did you ever see in that guy?"

"I wish I could remember." My cheeks tinge with shame.

Pieces of my grandfather's house fall from the ceiling to the floor. Destroying his wood floors and sending wood scattering in every direction. A piece of it nicks Ethan's cheek, but the pain doesn't register for him. He's more focused on where the abducted members of the Syndicate stood mere moments ago. Having protected him with their lives.

"We need to go." I place my hand gently inside his. "This house is literally falling apart with us in it. And staying here won't bring them back. Plus, we need to get the staff out of here, and we need to regroup."

Ethan gives a nod so slightly, if I didn't know him so well, I might have missed it. Then he allows me to take him out of the house. Gather the staff on our way to the door, and we get out of the house just in time to watch it collapse in on itself. Taking everything my grandfather built with it.

Zayd will pay for this.

They all will.

"Where to now?" Kyle asks. "We can't go home to dad, it's too dangerous. And it's too dangerous for you at GA. Not if Zayd can just walk in there the way he did."

"Come with me." Ethan finally speaks. Though his eyes are on the destroyed mansion and the exact spot, those who were taken once stood. "He isn't stupid enough to come into my home. And even if he is, he wouldn't live long enough to tell about it."

Seeing no other option, Kyle and I both nod. We're in no position to look a gift horse in the mouth. No matter how uncomfortable or unorthodox the arrangement might be.

Ethan turns to the remaining members of the Syndicate, who have tears in their eyes, and they quietly leap into action.

"What about you guys?" I turn to Tristan and the remaining members of the Syth.

"We could use a place to stay." His gaze travels to Ethan, who doesn't hesitate to nod.

Broken, bruised, and battered, we all climb into the cars parked outside. But not before I make arrangements for my grandfather's staff members. Then we all head to Ethan's, where his parents and Sybil greet us at the door.

Ethan called ahead to tell them what had happened, and they immediately agreed to help. Preparing rooms for us in their home.

Everyone rooms four to a room except me. Because Ethan refuses to let me out of his sight. So, for now, I guess we're roommates.

An arrangement that doesn't go over well with his old-fashioned parents until Ethan agrees to sleep on the sofa in his sitting room and leave the door open at all times. He also refuses to budge. Intent on protecting me until he breathes his dying breath. And I must admit that while I appreciate his protective nature, I am nervous about sharing a room with him.

After showing me to his room, which is immaculate for a guy, Sybil calls Ethan out of the room to talk. Several minutes later he comes walking back in with a pillow, blanket, and a... baby monitor?

"Is that what I think it is?" I smirk.

"Don't ask." He shakes his head. "Just act like it isn't here."

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