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***PREWARNING, this book is not proofread or edited yet so I am SURE there will be a lot of typos, and mistakes. Please, if you will, comment if you find a mistake and let me know what it is so it can be fixed. I would greatly appreciate it ***

Blood rains down from above. Like endless tears from the heavens above. The sky is a blanket of inky black and blue hues, with the occasional twinkle of stars littered throughout its dark and ominous depths. The wind blows violently. Sweeping any and everything up in its current as it blows through the trees, making them dance wildly. But there is no sound. And it is the only indication I have that what I'm seeing and experiencing isn't real.

Not my mate covered in blood.

And not the bodies of our friends, family, and innocent humans piled high to form a mound in front of his deadly form.

Shooting up into a sitting position I gasp for air. Dragging it in by the mouthfuls while calming my erratic heartbeat.

It is just a dream...

Or is it?

Worried, I throw off the blankets, pull on my clothes, and hurry out the front door in a rush to get to Ethan's. He's not responding to any of my texts or my phone calls. Which isn't like him.

It's not like he sleeps...

"I'm pretty sure there's a curfew in effect." Tristan startles me by saying. Lurking in the dark and staring out the window.

Why is he not asleep like the rest?

"I know, but Ethan isn't responding to me, and I have a bad feeling something may be wrong. We may have rescued him, but he didn't come out of that situation unscathed." I confide.

"Very well... but it is my job and the job of the Syth to protect you at all costs. I can't let you go out there alone or your grandfather would have my head. Especially after my attempts to lure you over to the dark side has failed."

Shaking my head at him, I laugh.

"As handsome as you might be, I've only got room for one dark side and my life. And that space is currently reserved for the dark prince I must get to."

"Don't get your panties all in a bunch. The Syth is almost ready to go."


"Ready." Celeste walks in with the Syth and Kyle. Right on cue.

Kyle shoots me a disappointed look that I don't have time to unpack.

We climb into two separate cars, and while I attempt to get a hold of Ethan, Tristan drives like a bat out of hell towards his home.

When we pull up in front of the Deatherage home, it looks like all hell has broken loose. Cars and anything not bolted to the ground hovers in the air. It's like Ethan's family's home has it on personal monsoon raining down over it. Complete with lightning, thunder, violent swirling winds, and rain.

The scene before us looks exactly like what I saw in my dream.

Minus the mound of dead bodies...

Could it have been a warning of what's to come?

"Stay here." I tell Tristan, Celeste, Kyle, and the Syth.

"Like hell." Tristan refuses.

"Look, now isn't the time to play hero. Do you want to know what prompted me to check on Ethan? It was a dream about being here with everything that is going on right now happening exactly as its happening. Only your bodies were in a mound right next to that bush and Ethan was covered in your blood." I warn him. "Stay. Here."

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