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After removing Nik's body from the wall, Tristan, Celeste, the remaining members of the Syth, and I help bring his body home. But no one speaks a word. The depths of our sorrow robbing us of any words to be spoken.

Silently, we gather around the fireplace in the sitting room of Ethan's family home. Deep in thought. While the tension in the air around us grows thicker by the minute. With Celeste and the other members of the Syth flicking their accusatory eyes in my direction. And I know what they're thinking. Thankfully, I don't have to wait long for someone to confirm my suspicions.

"We need to do something or more members of the Syth will die." Celeste whispers to Tristan.

As if supersonic hearing doesn't exist...

My gaze travels over to Ethan who offers me a comforting smile that doesn't reach his eyes. And there's this look in his eyes that I can't decipher. I don't know if its sadness, worry, or fear. But whatever it is, it's present in the faces of everyone around us.

Kye, another member of the Syth, has an angry outburst that captures my attention before Tristan and Celeste both shush him. With all three of them looking over at me afterward like they're talking about me. Only, this time I resist the urge to listen in.

"You don't want to know." Ethan appears at my side. Tilting my chin upward with his index finger so he can plant a kiss on my lips.

"About what they're talking about, or about what has you so preoccupied with your thoughts?" I ask.


Without diving into the meaning of his omission, Ethan turns to join the Syndicate who are also in hushed whispers. Only, I don't need to be coddled like some fragile piece of glass. I need to know what everyone is thinking, and we need to devise a plan. Which we won't be able to do if we're separated like this.

Turning to Ethan, I ask him. "If it felt like dying for Tristan and me to lose a member of the Syth... what happens if you lose a member of the Syndicate?"

Ethan inhales deeply, then exhales a slow breath before he turns around to face me. And the moment he does, I know whatever will come out of his mouth is a carefully crafted lie.

"Nothing I can't handle." He smiles to appease me.

After lying straight to my face.

"We just lost a member of the Syth and you're worried about what will happen to him?" Lex, another member of the Syth stares incredulously at me. Shaking his head. "What about what has already happened to us? Nik was like a brotherto us! And he gave his life to protect you! Not that you deserve it! But we swore an oath to your grandfather to protect you! An unlike you, we siphoners stick together! We bleed together! Have some-"

Lex stops mid-sentence and reaches for his throat as if he's being strangled by some invisible force.

"Have some respect for your queen." Ethan warns in a tone that has the room as silent as a tomb. "And never raise your voice to her again. I will not tolerate it."

He releases Lex whose face is blue. Only, Lex charges at him in a fit of rage. It takes Tristan, Celeste, and the two remaining members of the Syth to stop him from making one of the biggest mistakes he'd ever make. Because picking a fight with Ethan would be suicide for him.

Not that he cares at the moment.

They calm him down enough to get him to walk off his anger, but the disappointed looks they give me leave me feeling gutted. If that wasn't bad enough, Tristan takes this opportunity to confront me about it in front of everyone who's left.

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