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It takes fifteen minutes of traipsing around his insanely large mansion before I find my grandfather, Celeste, Tristan, and the Syth in what looks like an old yet newly remodeled study. Fashioned into some kind of supernatural library, if all the magical artifacts and paintings aren't enough of an indication.

"What is this place?" I ask. Touching everything I can get my hands on with fascination. "It looks like Hogwarts threw up in here."

"This is what's left of the siphoner library." My grandfather explains. Not bothering to look at me. "Everything you need to know about being a siphoner is in this library. And by the time you leave here I want you to know everything written in every page of every book."

"Leave your house, or leave this room?"

"Both." He turns to regard me with something like pride. "If you're ever going to learn to control your power, you first need to know where it comes from. So, no matter how it manifests, you can handle it."

Nodding, I walk over to a bookshelf and hold my hand out to the first book on the top shelf. Then I close my eyes and siphon every ounce of information and magic it has to offer. Moving on to the next one when I'm done.

An hour later and the entire bookshelf has been siphoned. Bored, Ethan and the other's join us in the library, but they aren't allowed to touch anything. All they can do is watch. But at this rate, we'll be here until I'm ninety.

"There has to be a better way." I turn to Tristan. "This will take forever."

"Amateur." He teases. A deep grin forming on his face. "I thought you'd never ask."

Walking up to me, Tristan motions for me to come closer and place my palm against his. Only, a glance at Ethan tells me he's not too keen on that idea. Both his jaw and his temples tick with annoyance. Giving away his agitation. And when Tristan peers into my eyes, I damn near suffocate on the anger Ethan radiates through our bond.

"If his jealousy were any worse, there'd be steam coming out of his ears." He pokes fun at Ethan.

I bite down on my lip to stifle my laughter. Because if Ethan sees me laughing, he won't think anything about what Tristan just said was funny. And as his girlfriend, I'm team Ethan all the way.

"Just... tell me what to do." I shake my head at him.

"It's like what you did with our friends in the alley that day. Only, instead of finding souls, I want you to latch on to every kernel of information you can find." He explains like it's so easy.


"Switch frequencies until you find it. You'll know when you do."


Taking a deep breath, I place my palm against Tristan's and his power roars with excitement when it comes into contact with mine.

Blinding blue light can be seen in the cracks between where our two hands meet. Sizzling and crackling along our conjoined hands like electricity.

"Now hold your free hand above your head to filter and channel your power. Think of it like an antenna." He instructs.

I do as I'm told, and a smile breaks out across my face when colorful aura's turns into pictures, words, and problems in many languages.

"Atta girl." Tristan peers into my eyes. Only, he doesn't look away and my heart skips a beat.

Maybe two.

My chest rises and falls as my breathing becomes more labored. Because the way Tristan is staring at me has my entire core clenching in answer. Until, just like that, an entire supernatural library of knowledge slams into me. The power of it all bending my body ninety degrees backwards and threatening to sever my spin in the process. Only, Ethan is quickly there to hold me upright. His pinewood scent bringing me back to my senses.

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