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It's a long drive to wherever they're taking me.

To where I've already decided this will all end.

I just don't know how.

I don't even know how many of us are still alive or on my side.

Not that it matters.

I miss Lexie, my grandpa, and my friends. The Asher's have everyone that means anything to me in their clutches and I want to be wherever they are. If we're going to perish, then we may as well perish together fighting like hell against these fire-breathing draganholes.

I don't care what Ethan says, it's a word.

We pull up to a tall wrought iron gate in the middle of nowhere and take a long gravel road from the gate to what looks like the darkest modern day medieval castle if I've ever seen one. And the temperature has also dropped at least thirty degrees in this neck of the woods.

I guess if I was a fire-breathing brat I'd want to live in cooler temperatures too.

Another several minutes pass before the car finally comes to a stop and Zayd waits at the bottom of a set of stone stairs with his mother and father standing at the top. A look of pride on their faces.

I'm guessing the psycho in this family goes all the way to the top.

I exit the vehicle and Zayd immediately grabs me by the wrist. Pulling me close to peer into my eyes.

"Something is off." His gaze trickles to Zola. "What did you do to her?"

"I made her more agreeable." Zola shrugs past him and into the arms of her waiting parents.

"You've done well, little one." Her mother smiles, hugging her tightly.

Proud owner of the homicidal siblings I can't wait to get my hands on.

"Come. Bring her inside." Her father motions to the front door.

Zola commands me to follow her and we enter the foyer of what I recall being her family home. With pictures of her psycho-freak family on the walls.

I try not to stare too hard at any one thing for fear that my little act might be discovered. And I'm taken to the same room with the pink double doors, which I now know is Zola's room. There, I'm made to sit while Zayd and his family discuss what comes next.

With them distracted, I shield Zola's connection from the rest of my mind. Attaching it to an endless loop of nothingness. Then I probe the building for any lifeforce I can find. But there is nothing. Wherever they have my friends and family, they're carefully hidden.

I'm secretly plotting my next move when Lucas appears out of nowhere.

"You bellowed?" He drawls. Sounding as annoyed with them as I am.

Rather than answer him, they motion to me, and Lucas blanches when he sees me. He hesitates for a moment before approaching me. Holding my gaze as he does and comes to a stop in front of me.

Dare I say he even looks worried?

"What have you done to her?" He asks, removing a stray strand of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. "Why is she like this?"

"She had to be subdued I'm afraid." Zayd tells him.

A pained expression skitters across Lucas' face before quickly disappearing.

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