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Ethan's temporary loss of control spread throughout GA faster than Eden losing her virginity to Lucas.

If you can even call it that.

Because everything on a Vampyr grows back. Including a hymen. Which means she'll be reliving her first time for the rest of eternity.

Not that Lucas minds.

Me... I'm just trying to keep my mate from slitting his wrists-or whatever Vampyrs do to kill themselves-from the guilt he still carries. I want to spend forever with him, and I'll be damned if I let anything else get in the way of that. Which is easier said than done when something or someone out in the world wants me dead.

"Are you okay?" Lucas comes rushing up to me in the hallway at GA, like the big brother he is, to check on me.

"I'm fine. It's nothing and there's barely a scratch."

"You mean it's nothing now." He gives me a pointed look that tells me not to downplay this. "He could've killed you, Ali."

"But he didn't." I dish the look right back. "And everyone making a big deal out of this isn't helping me or him."

Narrowing his eyes at me, he replies with a smirk on his face, "In other words, he's licking his wounds. Which means no Vampyr on Siphoner action for you."

"Yes!" I sulk. Wishing this would all go away. "Do you know how long I've waited for us to have a second chance?"

"I know you wouldn't have needed one if you hadn't pushed him into that dead girls arms."

My mouth drops open and I gape at Lucas for being so insensitive.

"What?" He shrugs.

"Her name was Zara."

"I really don't care."

"You're a horrible human being." I narrow my eyes at him.

"What I am is insulted. When have you ever known a human to look this damn good?" He lifts up his shirts to point to his Godlike abs.

Shaking my head, I leave. I can't talk to him when he's like this.

Laughing, he jogs to catch up to me and his expression turns serious.

"Something is wrong with Ethan, and until we know what it is, I think you should be careful. If something ever happens to you, what I'll do to him will make Armageddon feel like Christmas."

"If something ever happens to me, you won't get the chance to do anything. Because Ethan would do it himself. Now is not the time to split loyalties Lucas." I tell him.

"Who told you I was loyal to Ethan? I simply tolerate him because you follow him around like a lovesick puppy. There's also the part where he shares similar chromosomes with my mate." Lucas chuckles.

But we both know he's lying through his teeth.

"Would it kill you to admit the little bromance thing you and Ethan have going on?" I quirk my brow at him. Unable to help but tease him. "You like him."

"We have more of a... no-mance thing. As in, there's no way in heaven or hell we will ever be besties."

"Mm-hm." I smirk.

"Anyway... I need your help with something." Lucas instantly becomes nervous.

"With what?"

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