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My dad stares unyieldingly at Kyle. Examining him from head to toe like he's afraid if he blinks Kyle will disappear somehow.

We pull up to my family home a half hour later and walk my dad inside. Ethan and Tristan check out the home while Vivienne and Trudy ward it for protection. Stopping anyone who would mean my father harm from entering.

Kyle and I take him into the kitchen where I plop a backpack full of cash on the table and unzip it so my dad can see what's inside. His eyes practically bulging out of his head.

"There's a million dollars in here. Pay the mortgage and the back taxes, hire a maid to clean up around here, and put the rest in the bank. It should keep you afloat until you find another job." I tell him.

Shame and guilt washes over his facial features.

"How do you know about the mortgage and my job?" He asks.

"A little birdie told me. And I know I may have a crappy way of showing it, but I love you, dad. I was selfish before, but I'm trying to change that. Starting now. Starting with helping you keep this house you and mom have worked so hard for. She would want that. She'd want you to be happy and to take the world by storm."

Smiling my dad nods. His gaze shifting between Kyle and me, then searching around the room for something.

"Where's Lexie?" He asks. "Wasn't she staying with your boyfriend?"

Panicked, I look to Ethan for help. Smiling he saunters over like he has no care in the world.

"I have it on good authority that she's hoping to surprise you, so I won't spoil it. She will be in touch with you shortly." Then without prompting him to, Ethan stares into the depths of my father's soul, his face going blank and his eyes glazing over. Then he adds, "In the meantime, you will stop drinking, you will get yourself together, you will use this money to start your own business, and you will use it to pay your bills in the meantime. You will date again. you will be happy, and you will trust that your children are all in good hands."

Tears pool in my eyes that Ethan would grant me this small mercy. Understanding how hard it is to see my father this way. He's been a symbol of strength my whole life. Except, one loss after another has robbed him of that strength.

My dad's emotionless face nods. His blinking eyes trying to understand what has just happened. Unaware of the gift my mate has given him. Because every compulsion, every death at his hands, and every death of someone he loves chips away at his soul. Yet he would willingly sacrifice a piece of his soul for someone I love. For me.

Meeting his gaze, I mouth the words 'thank you' to him. And he winks at me in response.

"The house is clear," Tristan informs me. Interrupting our brief moment.

"Thank you." I nod.

Ethan and Tristan make themselves scarce, and I move on to my other reason for coming here. "Grandpa told me you'd have everything I need if he should ever leave for an extended period of time," I tell him.

He looks confused at first, but then he must remember something because he walks into his office, removes a painting from the wall to reveal a safe I never knew was even there, opens it, and hands me a large briefcase.

"After your mother died, he made me promise to give you this if you ever came looking for it." He explains.

Of course, he did.

I have to hand it to him. My grandfather is always prepared.

No matter what it is.

"Thank you."

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