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Now that we're all back at GA, Sybil hits us with the mountains of homework assignments that need to be completed in order for us to graduate. And thanks to my G-pa, I know exactly how to tackle them in less than an hour.

First, I siphon all the information in the textbook, then I use Ethan's super Vampyric speed to blow through, writing all the answers in, and I hand them back to Sybil with THEE biggest grin on my face.

And I only trailed behind Ethan, Eden, and the syndicate by forty minutes. Now, we're all gathered inside Ethan's room, going over our latest plan. Or at least we were until a shit ton of power walked through GA's front door. With all of us scrambling to see who the walking power generator might be.

With the sweetest saccharine smile on her face and wearing a Greenwich academy uniform, Kaia waves at us. She's surrounded by a group of guys with too many muscles to be students, but they're also wearing uniforms.

"Please tell me I'm hallucinating and that's not really who I think it is." I sigh.

"So, you want us to lie to you?" Aden asks.

Which... dude... really?

"There you are!" Kaia flashes me a condescending smile. "I was just telling this sweet old lady that we're cousins! And guess who's your new roomie!"

Kill me now.

"Awesome!" I feign a big smile while screaming on the inside. Then, turning to Sybil, I tell her with the smile still plastered on my face. "You really, really shouldn't have."

Pleased with herself, and not picking up on the tension at all, Sybil proudly walks to her office, leaving me to deal with the room crasher and her friends.

"What do you think you're doing?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Following orders and saving your ass." Kaia squares up to me. "Though, I might just let you continue to keep falling on your face, making a mess of things."

"I don't need your help. And I'm not going anywhere with you. Also, if you touch one hair on Lucas' head, I-"

"Hold that thought." Kaia cuts me off. Holding her hand up in my face to shush me. Then she blinks out of existence, and somewhere in the distance I hear Lucas shout "what the fuck?" before she blinks back into existence holding a lock of his hair. "You were saying?"

I lunge at her but barely get an inch before Tristan places himself between us.

"Now-now ladies... there's no need to fight. There's more than enough of me to go around." He winks at both of us.

Which... why is he the way that he is?

Through the tether linking our two souls together, I feel Ethan's irritation bubble to the surface. He's never liked Tristan from the moment he met him, but at least he tolerated him back then. Now, with us trying to work on our little situationship, his patience level is zero. And everything Tristan says or does irritates him to no end.

I open my mouth to warn Tristan to tone it down, but the words die in my throat as I realize Kaia is blushing. I've only been privy to her RBF, but Tristan has her eating out of the palm of his hand. Which is odd since they barely just met and have only spoken maybe two words to each other. But I guess I'm not surprised on account of his washboard abs, supermodel smile, and very illegal good looks. Plus... he's a damn good kisser.

Ethan growls possessively beside me and I freeze. Because rule number one of having a mate is, they're privy to your thoughts. Private or otherwise. And he just heard me fangirling about the one guy he absolutely cannot stand.

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