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As I approach Ethan and his worried parents, my heart is heavy with the devastating news I know I must give him. He stiffens as I enter the room, because without even looking at me he can sense my presence thanks to the mate bond tethering our two souls together.

After hugging his mother, and nodding to his father, he turns to me. Devouring me from head to toe with his eyes. The heat between us having reached a boiling point due to how close in proximity we constantly are to one another.

If this were good news instead of bad news I must deliver to him, I would entertain a make-out session. But given what I must tell him, I know it isn't the right time.

Like clockwork, Ethan catches on to my mood and his smile fades.

"What is it?" He asks. Searching me for any sign of injury. "Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

"No. I'm fine, Ethan." I assure him. Watching him visibly relax with relief. "But... Lucas just paid me a visit."

Ethan's eyes rocket to mine, and he takes a deep breath.


"Zayd sent him to warn us that Gwen... she's the next to die if I do not hand myself over."

Ethan goes silent. His gaze shifting to the floor while his mind works to consume what I've told him. Several minutes pass before he finally speaks.

"Any news of Eden or the others?" He asks.

"He claims they're okay. That my grandfather has been taking everyone's punishment to spare them the agony of having to endure it. But he's not sure how long this will last." I answer.

Ethan nods, but he's back to not speaking. And his mind is a million miles away from me.

"We must do something to stop him." He sighs.

"I agree. That's why I plan to turn myself in." I confide.

His eyes converge on me instantly, and he shakes his head. "Absolutely not. It's exactly what Zayd wants, which is exactly why we can't give it to him. Sacrificing yourself will only make things worse."

"Okay, but it will stop the killing." I point out.

"Will it?" He scoffs. "How do you know it won't spark a new kind of killing spree. You don't even know what he wants or why he's after you."

"Maybe not but doing anything has to be better than doing nothing."

"I said no... end of discussion."

"Is that an order, mate?" I glower at him.

"It's whatever it needs to be to keep you safe."

"And if I should choose not to listen? What then?"

Ethan spares me a look that is equal parts defeat, fear, and resolution.

In short, if I choose not to listen to him, there isn't a word alive to describe how angry he will be with me.

"I can't lose you, Ali." He tells me in the most vulnerable tone I've ever heard.

"Then let's find a way to keep me alive." I tell him. Wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his chest.

He wraps his arms around me, and we hold each other for several moments before we break apart.

Peering into my eyes, he tells me, "The bond between us is too strong to deny now."

"Who's denying it?"

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