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Going over everything we know, Lucas and I have developed a theory of what might have happened to Eden and Ethan. My favorite being Zara is really an alien who has body-snatched them with alien versions of themselves, and the real versions of them are waiting for us to rescue them and cut off the bitch's head.

I'm leaning toward that one.

Now that we've put Lucas' Joe Goldberg from the tv show 'You' moment behind us, we put all our resources together to plan a trip to Europe. Wherever Ethan and Eden are, we'll find them. And when I do, if Zara is responsible for their disappearance, I'll kill her myself.

"I can't wait until class is over." Lucas groans.

We got back to GA late last night, and then I had a pissed off Lexie to deal with. Who... much to my chagrin... had been moved into my room at GA. All night long, I was forced to listen to her angry rock music. It's like her 'I hate you' feelings towards me infected the radio. Sending me hours of subliminal middle fingers, in the form of melodies, all night long.

When I woke up this morning, Lexie was gone. The music in our room was kicked up to level banshee, every pair of shoe I own was dumped in a tub full of cold water, and a middle finger was drawn on my bathroom mirror with a smiley face on its palm.

Why couldn't I be an only child?

Having no other choice, I fish a wet pair of shoes from the tub and drain the water. Then I headed to my closet to put on my GA uniform, only to find them all cut up with the word stupid written all over them. She even cut the toe part out of all my socks.

I'd like to strangle whoever thought us rooming together was a good idea.

For the next several hours afterward, I've been sloshing around campus in wet shoes, a cut up uniform, and uneven, lopsided bangs I didn't have before I went to sleep.

I'm going to kill her.

Well... if I can find her. Because it's like Lexie has vanished.

No one has seen her.

Not even her teachers.

But I have a feeling I know where she is. And it begins and ends with a certain member of the syndicate who's been playing hide the pogo stick with my not-so-innocent baby sister for a while now.

The bell rings, and Lucas and I practically vanish from our seats. We head to our rooms to grab a few things, and then we plan to meetup in Sybil's office. She, too, has expressed her concerns about Ethan and Eden's safety. And so has their father.

Neither of them has been spoken to by phone for a while now.

After leaving Lexie a lengthy apology note, I'm leaving my dorm room when a worried Aden approaches me.

"Have you seen Lexie?" He asks.

"No," I frown. "I thought she was with you."

"Well... she was," he lowers his gaze to the ground. "But then I kind of told her something I shouldn't have, and I'm afraid she's planning on doing something stupid."

"How stupid?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Turn herself into a Vampyr stupid."


Dropping my bags, I fade past Aden at supersonic speed to search every room in GA.

If I were a dumbass teenager... where would I be?

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