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It's the exact opposite of what my heart wants to do. Yet, Ethan never issues a warning without reason. Still, something tells me not to move and my feet firmly plant themselves to the ground.


"Ali." He calls out to me. "I'm losing control and I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire."

With his hands tightened into fists, he pleads with his eyes for me to do as he says. But everything in me is screaming for me not to leave. And I don't know why. Except, something deep inside me is telling me he needs me.

His head snaps to left and then the right before he drops to his hands and knees. The temperature in the room rising to a new level of hell. Dropping to my knees in front of him, I place my hand over one of his and hold his eye contact. I don't know why or how I know this is important, but I don't look away. Not even when black veins spread across his face. Making him look more horror flick than heartthrob.

Almost as if they can sense the change in Ethan, the Syndicate appears out of thin air.

"You shouldn't be here." Jacob tells me. "You could get hurt."

"Don't worry about me. Focus on him. I don't know what's going on with him, but whatever it is... he's not stable." I reply.

"There's nothing you can do for him, Ali. And he would want us to get you to safety."

"You know what to do, Jake." Ethan tells him.

They exchange knowing looks and Jacob reluctantly nods.

Quick as lightning he stabs Ethan in the chest with what looks like a wooden stake. And I watch in horror as Ethan turns into a stone version of himself. The floating objects all around us finding their place back on the ground soon after.

Whipping my head in Jacob's direction, I give him a 'what the hell' look.

"In case you didn't pick up on the cues, he was about to go super Saiyan." Jacob scoffs. "And with you being human, I doubt you'd be able to withstand the blast. It's better for him to lose his shit in purgatory than here with you. He'd never forgive himself for it."

"Is that what this is?" I ask. Staring at Ethan's stone figure. "Purgatory?"

"It is for him. Being trapped like this is the equivalent of being trapped in solitary confinement. Only, he's confined inside himself. Forced to feel every bit of losing Gwen until the loss subsides, the pain ebbs away, and he's able to cope with the part of his soul that has gone dark. The part Gwen used to occupy. All because he's trying to prevent himself from hurting you."

Detecting a bit of animosity in his tone, I start to ask him what he's getting at when he just walks away. But I'm not done with him yet.

"Get back here." I grab him by the arm and swing him around. "Is there something you'd like to say to me?"

"Yes." He hisses at me. Clearly angry with me for some reason that he dares not say in front of Ethan. "We are dying. He is dying little by little inside with every death. He won't tell you this because he knows you'll just sacrifice yourself. But we can no longer stand by and do nothing. Now that you have each other... do something."

The other members of the syndicate may not be speaking, but the looks on their faces tell me they feel the same way. And if I ever want their respect, I have to take what they say into consideration.

"How long must he remain like this?" I ask.

"Just a few more minutes." Jacob replies. Looking at his watch.

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