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Sitting across from Zola while we share a bag of skittles, I take it upon myself to comb her hair. It can't be easy living in the cage we put her in. Warding her off from the outside world. Once every strand is neatly in place, she smiles and hugs me.

"Do you remember when you and Zayd would always take me to the park?" She asks. "We would feed the ducks and you would swing me around in circles until we both got dizzy."

The memory slides into place and I recall being really happy with him back then.

"Then we'd both fall to the ground and watch the trees spin." I chuckle at the memory.

Wrapping her arms around my waist, Zola snuggles into me like I'm a pillow.

"I miss those days. Zayd was happiest whenever you were around, and now he's just... mad all the time." She tells me. "Do you think you could give him a second chance?"

"I don't know. He's taken my friends and my family and he's holding them against their will. Would you be able to forgive someone like that?"

Zola thinks on it and sits up to face me like a great idea has just popped into her head. "Well, what if he gives them back? Could you forgive him then, and make up, and marry him, and be my big sister again?" She fires off her questions in rapid succession.

"Of course, but I don't think he'll do that."

"If he won't, I will." She proudly proclaims.

And that's when I know I have her.

"How?" I ask.

"I know where they are." She admits. Avoiding my gaze because she's worried, I'll be mad at her. "I can take you to them."

"Really?" I feign surprise. "You'd do that for me?"

"We're sisters. And that's what sisters are for."

"Thank you, I hug her. Thank you so much Zola."

"We can go now if you'd like." She offers. Her mask slipping for just a second before she slides it back into place.

Then it dawns on me... she's lying.

Hoping I'll get her out of here.

The moment I do, she'll be in the wind, and we will have lost our only link to finding where Zayd is keeping everyone.

"Did you know my friend can read minds?" I motion to the doorway where Ethan stands. "That means he can tell when a person is lying. Are you lying to me Zola?"

Her frightened gaze flickers to Ethan, then back to me, and tears fall from her eyes. "I just want to go home, sister." She cries. Burying her face in my chest while she clings to me. "I miss my mom and dad and Zayd... I miss my friends even."

Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her until she falls asleep in my arms. She's smarter than anyone gives her credit for, and she saw right through me enough to use it to her advantage.

So clever.

Which means getting the information we want from her will be a lot harder than we thought. And we only have three days to figure out how to do it.

Lying Zola back down in her bed, I leave to join the others who have been watching us this whole time. And they are just as impressed with her cleverness as I am.

"I thought you had her." Tristan sighs.

"Me too." Preston echoes his mood. "I was hoping this nightmare would finally be over."

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